Not sure what to do next

by magotan 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • magotan

    I'm 19, and I'm still currently a JW. I guess I'm a born-in, or whatever you guys call it. I've had some serious issues with the faith at the moment, and sexuality is a huge part. All of my immediate family are JW's, and my brother and father are Elders. I have had doubts about my faith since I was 10-11, but I thought that maybe deeper research would cure me of these doubts. Instead, they've intensified. Since I was 15, I have been going to meetings and literally telling myself "OK, now don't poke holes. That isn't nice or proper of you". I'm tired of feeling this way. Every question is greeted with a circular answer, or a cop out excuse. Every action is examined closely - no matter whether there was an alterior motive or not.

    I am gay. I know many people here aren't accepting of this, but I am not looking for your acceptance, but moreso your understanding.

    My personal experiences with the WT and my sexuality are conflicting, illogical and flat out cruel and hateful. Words cannot describe how much I hate the artcile on about 'avoiding homosexuality'. I don't understand how the branch can be so willfully ignorant and hateful saying absurd things as "Masturbation leads to homosexuality" or degrading things such as equating homosexuality to pedophelia. The WT says they aren't homophobic, but with attitudes and information like this, how are they not? How come when I express feelings to the brothers about 'getting better' (hah!) I'm viewed as a spiritually weak pariah? Why is the fact that I disagree and think being gay isn't a choice, I'm viewed as an apostate? They juxtapose gender identity, masculinity, and sexuality with intercourse. So many JW's use very unkind expressions and words about gays, it frustrates, saddens and sickens me. I have prayed so hard to god to help me with this "sin" - only to be rewarded with a sickening sense of low self worth because you like the same sex and there's no way to stop. Homosexuality is defined as being attracted to one of the same sex. How do I avoid this? It makes no sense! They say 'it's OK to be gay' - sort of (You can have homosexual 'urges' so long as you don't act upon them) but not only do you have to walk around self loathing and unhappy, but you can be disfellowshipped for talking about how you feel about a person or your sexuality (something you expressed in your videos). It makes no sense. I'm "allowed" to have these feelings, but when I want to acknowledge them (not act on them, there's a difference) there's something seriously wrong? I personally remember a recent CO saying "In my day, they stayed IN the closet!"
    I remember a close friend of the family say that skinny jeans for men are a ploy of Satan, because they look 'gay', and because of this the Devil is laughing at them.

    You do not understand how depressing this is - I literally wanted to kill myself. I thought how easy it would be, maybe some morbid hope that I would be 'fixed' in the new system (another doctrine that makes little sense and flys in the face of logic and science). You don't understand why people keep asking "when are you getting married" or "don't you think sister so and so is cute?" and you have no attraction to them.

    When I was in school, I went to school with a few other JW kids. I always felt like I was being spied on because they thought I was too 'worldly' even though I really didn't do anything. I didn't have sex, I wasn't hanging around kids outside of school, nothing.

    Well, somehow, (still not sure where this came from) two of the witness kids told my dad that they "Saw" me go in to the bathroom at school to have sex with another man. Keep in mind my dad is an Elder.

    For starters at first I was mortified, how someone I trusted could tell such a boldfaced lie; if it was a rumour, or even if you had seen me screwing some dude with your own two eyes, why didn't you ask me about it?

    fter I (of course) denied it, the next conversation still makes me saddened and irritated

    They talked about my sexuality. They asked me if I wanted to be gay (and of course, I said no), then they read some scriptures about what the bible says about Homosexuality. Of course, they harped on how 'disgusting' it is, and they even went on to explain how 'homosexuals' have intercourse (I was 16 at the sex happens was not a new) I hated myself. I thought I was disgusting. They told me that homosexuals 'act a certain way' (a statement that didn't sit well with my mother) and because they think I have tendencies towards 'acting that way' I need to change my ways to not 'act that way'. Ain't that some shit? I feel as if why do I have these urges? Why do I exist only to be hated by god? Why do you go out of your way to let me know that I will be 'destroyed' at Armageddon?

    I started doing research, and praying, but it doesn't really actually help. The praying instills a sense of inadequacy when you still persist in these feelings after you pray earnestly for those feelings to leave. The research is circular and woefully stereotypical and slanted - they confuse sexuality, gender identity, masculinity/femininity, and intercourse so many times. They insinuate that because you're gay, you want to be a woman.

    I have never wanted to be a woman.

    To top it off, two elders took a screenshot of my Youtube page (not this one, and the other one I had didn't even have any videos uploaded). I had watched a video in my history that had Harry Potter in it, and the channel's name was "Faggotron".

    I actually laughed that time, but they were dead serious. They actually thought I was gay and into witchcraft.

    Then, people spied on my Facebook, I had a joke picrture of me in a wig (the wig is backwards) of course - "How does that look to the outside world?" "Doesn't that make you look....that way (gay)"?

    There's so much more I can go on about.

    I want to leave, but I don't know how. I have a decent job, but because moving out is strongly discouraged, I fear I will have to DA - and lose everyone I know will never talk to me again.

  • mrsjones5

    " I am gay. I know many people here aren't accepting of this, but I am not looking for your acceptance, but moreso your understanding."

    Rest assured you will get understanding and acceptance here. I for one don't care if you're gay and I'm sure many here will agree.

    Welcome to the board.

  • MrFreeze

    First off, welcome to the board.

    Secondly, being 19 years old with a decent job, if you can move out, I'd say do it. Your parents can't stop you. To me, that would be the first step to starting a fade.

    You say that everyone you know will never talk to you again. With the way they appear to be treating you in their comments and their actions shows me you might be better off. Sadly, your experience seems to be commonplace among the JW's.

  • perfect1

    Hi Magotan.

    I can relate to everything you are saying (except I dont get how your youtube and facebook page are being snapped by the elders) But anyway.

    Do you know about this site:

    I had a same sex relationship when I was your age- though it turns out I am notcompletely gay after all. LOL.

    While it was fun it was also absolutley terrifying, if anyone found out we would both be disowned! At that time I became very sensitive to the JW attitude towards homosexuality, and I found it very disturbing.

    It took me some time to realize that a) sex is not bad, not a sin, and b) sexuality can be fluid, or fixed, but it is a big part of you which you must honor.Its OK to be attracted to whoever you are attracted to. Remember, you are not hurting anyone.

    I wish I could help you out more, I hope you keep posting.

  • wasblind

    Welcome to the board

  • irondork

    Magotan, I am 5 minutes away from bed time, so I can't write out a proper response right now. Rest assured there are plenty of us homos on this forum and for the most part, folks here are very accepting and respectful. The minority who are not are at least, mostly silent on the issue.

    See you in the morning!

    Jason :)

  • l p
    l p

    Hi and welcome to the board....

    I dont think there would be anyone here who would reject you on the basis of your sexuality....

    I dont know a lot about how to help...but i do have some suggestions that would help you get you some support...

    1) DO NOT DA or DF yourself.......make sure you FADE....this will allow your family to keep talking to you if they feel the emotional pull to after you fade....

    2) to do the fade you need to do as the others have suggested....move out....don't discuss your sexuality with your family as they aren't able to be open minded about it bec who in their right mind would choose to 'CHOOSE' a life as they say against god ie being gay just to be destroyed...they are insane in what they think honestly....also your life sexuality is your dont shove it in their face, not that you are...but this will help in the fading process so that what they dont know they cant condemn you on...even if they suspect....

    3) find a counselling service for those who are gay that helps the person accept who they are and love themselves.....this would be good emotional support for you....

    4) fade... stop going and having contact with other jws...make sure you don't live in the same territory as your cong that you are outside the border of those may make it difficult for them to track you down...dont give your parents your address until time has settled so they cant pass it on to the elders - this could be a year or so....

    5) make friends on the outside...

    6) in the counselling you seek make sure they talk about safe sex.....and developing healthy you dont end up abused...lots of jws end up abused when they leave the borg...bec of hte conditioning of the borg...well thats waht i suspect, i can't really back it up except for personal experience....

    7) most IMPORTANTLY: if the elders ever come to you in 2's or ask you to a judicial committee...dont go and say nothing...(make sure you dont get DF'ed) even lie about specific is none of their are allowed to lie about things like that bec asking someone about their personal sexual life is no ones business and especially when they will use it to damage your relationships and reputation amongst other are certainly justified in lying about it.....protect yourself and your family relationships as much as possible...

    8) make sure you dont have family or jws as friends on social media so they cannot keep tabs on what you are doing in your life.....also make sure your settings on facebook etc are private so they cannot spy on what you are doing.....

    and stay in touch with the board....we here are here for each other


  • l p
    l p

    ps what country are you in?

    im in sydney australia

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Welcome. You will find support and acceptance here. Be who you are and don't be ashamed of who you are.

    Again welcome to the board.

  • Gojira_101

    Hi Magotan and welcome.

    I feel that no matter who you are or what your sexuality is, the JW's have all screwed us up one way or another. It's none of anyones business who you are...but we all need to be healed.

    It's kind of funny because being raised a JW, I was always told to hate people who are gay they are of all people know what the JW think, the funny part is, about 3 years ago I started finding some of my friends are gay and it really changed me. These people who are MY FRIENDS, are very nice, they always help me, even more than the JW's have. I'm so happy and thankful to call those people my friends, and I'm so happy I'm no longer consumed by the hate the JW's breed. I will be here to support you anyway I can :)

    I'm with one of the other posters, you need to change your facebook privacy to stop people from spying on you, or what I recently did is make a JW facebook and my "worldly" facebook, and by worldly, I mean a facebook the JW's can't see :)


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