Ever wonder this about the annointed?

by free2beme 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    DATA, another reason an exemplary publisher who partakes is not catapulted through the ranks is perhaps because they don't WANT to be. Many anointed ones are very humble and are content to work behind the scenes for the good of the congregation.

  • nugget

    Since annointed choose themselves the society has no control over them and therefore is unlikely to promote them within the organisation.

  • Chariklo

    Absolutely, Loz, I was merely concerned to get the facts straight and to correct misunderstandings. To me, it's important always to get the facts straight! That's my training as a historian. I'm not trying to persuade anyone!


    Awatcher, it's not that they do not want to help. They do. As you said, there are many humble ones who would help any of their brothers and sisters without a single thought about praise or position. That is how it should be. The problem is the tendency of jealousy among men. Those who feel that they are the real workers are jealous of the 11th hour workers that the Master calls. Really it is lack of humility on their part. The Master choses whom he wants and when, end of story. Many want the first place, like Diotrephese, and refuse to listen to those who are humble and more concerned about God' word than any Organizational agenda.

    Also the admitted hierarchy of the WTBTS ( in a court of law, under oath, stated by high ranking Elders/Lawyers ) is all based around outward visible works. If a Brother is humble and spiritual, but perhaps has circumstances that limit his visibility or statistics, he will not be appointed to any position. Any who say otherwise are ignorant or dishonest. The GB need to put a stop to the fixation on visible works and statistics. There are many faithful ones with years of service that are not even allowed to help in the Congregation because of a man made rule concerning visible works. The Elders operate under the false premise that they are the leaders of the sheep. A Brother who wants to advance must have the same view of himself, that he is a leader of the sheep. A CO said that the sheep must be prodded or they will not continue to perform. If one sheep recieves favoritism ( in this case a brother gets appointed who has slightly less hours than the congregation average ) and the other sheep see this, then they will expect the same.

    The sad truth is that outward visible showings of spirituality are valued over the true substance of a Brother or Sister. If you help your neighbors, or homeless ones, or widows in the congregation and no one sees it, it counts for nothing. If you do all these things and more out of a pure heart, but do not make a quota of hours, then you will be considered weak and not exemplary. On the flip side you can be a truly fleshly individual, sadly, even a child molester and rise through the ranks. The reason is because the WTBTS sysytem is broken. Despite any claims the GB or DO's or CO's, or Elders make about the Holy Spirit guiding their decisions, by fixating on visible " powerful works " above true spiritual substance, they negate any influence of Holy Spirit the very second they go beyond what is written.


    We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know

    If we dont need to know then why are the partakers noted in the worldwide report in the yearbook. What reason would there be to even count at all

  • snare&racket

    "christ" is a greek word, the man Yeshua would not have ever heard it said. The name Jehovah is a crazy combination of the hebrew sentence YHWH, rendered by many as "what he wills, will be". As it is in Hebrew, it has no vowels, so first change it to Latin JHVH and then for no logical reason add the vowels from the word LORD or adonai, you get JaHoVaH......

    How can people claim to be anointed by the creator of this universe and done so via his son (lets not go there) when they dont even have the basic knowledge of their correct names.... You argue doctrine and tradition and havent bothered to even research the fundementals of your beliefs. What else dont you know? What else have you been misled about? What else in the bible has been altered or adjusted? Don't pretend it doesn't matter, then debate minor doctrinal differences! You are reffering to these gods quite incorrectly.... It probably would piss them off a little more than the petty issues being argued here... Especially as its so easy to research and see.

    This is basic, day 1 stuff if you are going to explore a belief system, never mind dedicating your life and future lives to it! Get the names right!

    "hey guess what, the god Zagyzoo anointed me the other day, no really!" .... "I think you will find his name is actually Fred... for a start..."

    What angers me about people that claim to be anointed or going to heaven, is that they know enough about the bible to recognise that the god in it is a jealous, wrathful, worship demanding, blood demanding, genocide commiting, rape commanding, slavery system inventing, homophobic, infanticdal, maniac with an ego that is more valuble to 'him' than human life..... Why the fuck would you WANT to be on his side of the line? Up there in cloud land? Is the best answer you have "well he demands our worship!"..... So what? He is a bad, immoral god by his own admission commiting horrendous acts of violence! What else is there? "Yeah but he made us and gave us life, he made the universe!".... Sooooo? Does that give him the right to be a twat, be such an evil bastard so as to deman Abraham to kill Isaac......as a test? Or to flood the world! Or to allow job to lose his family?...... Nevermind the genocides, slavery, incest.... Etc etc

    square it however you want, it takes some kind of issues to drink that wine from tesco and eat that horrid bread, but it really takes some screwed up logic and ideas to want to serve on this gods commitee of kings and priests.... To want to be on his team, his side! He is clearly a dick!

    The imagined picture of a loving father in heaven who cares that you feel a bit gloomy is made up from a pinch of cherry picked verses, READ YOUR BIBLE, he is a douche bag! That imaginary (white) nice father figure is not the god in the bible AT ALL! He has a lake of fire ready for babies, women, children and men like me UNLESS we prostrate ourselves to him and accept his moral compass, despite it being very immoral to me! What a guy! What a Dad!

    If this god did exist as a human, we would all know his name (real name) and Hitler would be a saint in comparison. If the god of the bible did exist, we would all have to go to war against him!

    Thank my lucky balls he is as real as Zeus.

  • tec

    "The notion that faith in Christ is to be rewarded by an eternity of bliss, while a dependence upon reason, observation, and experience merits everlasting pain, is too absurd for refutation, and can be relieved only by that unhappy misture of insanity and ignorance called 'faith'"

    The above is not faith. The thing in that quote that some religions teach is not too absurd for refutation, lol... but it is absurd, and untrue. Reason, observation, and experience does not merit such a thing as everlasting pain.

    Peace to you,


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