Women: Are they Equal to Men ?
by villagegirl 70 Replies latest jw friends
My daughter always used to ask why only "brothers" take attendance at the meetings.
She finally figured it out.
Sisters don't "count".
Justitia Themis
There is a certain order in the universe, this entropic creation. It was transformed in Christs death and resurrection
The question then becomes did women's status change under Jesus' leadership? Yes.
Jesus changed the religious status of women when compared with thier status in Judaism. Men in the early church revolted against Jesus' leadership and eventually changed it back.
As noted in the first post, Jesus had female apostles that the Catholic Church and JWs refuse to acknowledge. Mary Magdalene is sometimes referred to as the 'apostle to the apostles' since Jesus chose her to announce his resurrection to the men.
Women church leaders were so prevalent that those corresponding with Pliny the Younger sought direction concerning the scope of their torture. Could they torture women deacons in the same manner and to the same extent to which they tortured male deacons?
Women were allowed to stand, speak, and preach in the congregations, actually chanelling Jehovah's holy spirit.
When men speak of women's lower status in the church, they refer to the old ways that should have been replaced, not what Jesus established.
No, women are not equal to men. My wife is a better, greater, kinder person than I ever will be!
I know my son can drink more than my daughter
Are women and men equal? Are apples and oranges equal?
If you use the bible to get your answer than yeah, women are 2nd class citizens. Oh, there are limited examples of women in "power" but the overall theme of the bible is for women to be submissive to men. History has shown that pre-bible there were Goddess religions and tribes that held the importance of both men and women. I wonder why the bible changed all that?
If in the US, govt is supposed to represent the people, why is it mostly men when clearly there are more women in the population?
The ORDER of CREATION was the inanimate,
the PLANTS the ANIMALS the MALE ( going Upward )
then the PINNACLE of God's Creation, the FEMALE
The Serpant approached her because she was obviously in charge.
Adam excused himself when he was caught by God, by saying " She gave me the fruit."
Since she was in charge this was his understanding. He was only following orders, as he
assumed God would understand. So God cursed the whole human race by REVERSING the
natural logical order of things, and put the confused, arrogant, corporation makers, in charge.
Hows this "order of things" working out for you?
Jesus said he would " Restore all things when he returned" Like kill Satan, restore women to
their natural position as leaders, things like that.
yes ..... they are equal in value... but all people are not equal in ability...