I consider the women in my life to be greater than any man (no offense dad).
by villagegirl 70 Replies latest jw friends
I consider the women in my life to be greater than any man (no offense dad).
There are exceptions to every rule.
Can anyone help me on this thought I have had please. Then I can go aff and do the research. (so much to learn.... fascinating )
Is it possible there is both male and female spirits in the heavenly arrangement of God ?
Is it possible that we could have God his goddess, their children, angel sons and daughters ?
I would appreciate comments on both for or against the idea.
Thanks very much if you can help me. it will give me something to occupy my mind while I'm trying to go over everything and put it all back together.
You know I'm pretty sure that is why I never married a JW boy. I did not like the fact that I would have to answer to him as my head. I didn't like the fact that I may be more spiritually mature and I would have to take direction from him.
I questioned their so called authority and that didn't go down too well on a number of occassions.
Loubelle - such a bad girl **smacks hands**
Is it possible there is both male and female spirits in the heavenly arrangement of God ?
First you would have to consider if there are reasons to believe in a spirit world.
What do you mean by "spirit", how would you define it?
All humans should have equal rights and equal opportunities, that is the main problem in all societies today, minorities and those less powerful are excluded as to rights and opportunities, and so are women in all parts of the Globe, despite theoretical "freedom" in some places.
How many women are there in big Corporation Boardrooms and in Government ?
Not enough for sure.
If this very topic is not proof that the Bible was written by rich men who wanted to enslave everyone else then they are blind.
These men were selfish nasty types, they lied to everyone for their own advantage. They wanted women to be quite and virgins to have sex with thats why they can be bought as property and have limited rights and are certain less than man but above animals. In order to repress the masses they of course need the men to still feel a bit powerful so they make women less than them. They hope that this at the very least diverts attention from the fact they are robbing the masses for their selfish gain. Sacrifices and demans for money and supplies for the temple are of course nothing more than taxation for nothing in return.
And then we move onto the jews are the special people which of course is used to excuse rape and pillage in the OT. Every major doctrine has at its heart a selfish king, or priest manipulating the country for themselves.
Its hard to find anything in the OT about helping orphans, but you will find dozens of laws about supplying goods to the priests and temple.
Since women can't write their name in the snow, how could they possibly be equal??
Be grateful you didn't marry a JW boy, LouBelle. How many of us watched, in helpless horror, while our JW husbands made dreadful decisions that ruined them and us financially and harmed the wellbeing of our children?