Women: Are they Equal to Men ?
by villagegirl 70 Replies latest jw friends
*ahem*. We are not apples and oranges. We are two halves of the same orange. Here is how the United Nations puts it:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
Bill Gates put it very well when he was traveling through Saudi Arabia. He was speaking to an audience much like yourselves. However, two-thirds of the way there was a barrier. On this side was men, and then the barrier, and this side was women. And someone from this side of the room got up and said, "Mr. Gates, we have here as our goal in Saudi Arabia to be one of the top 10 countries when it comes to technology. Do you think we'll make it?" So Bill Gates, as he was staring out at the audience, he said, "If you're not fully utilizing half the resources in your country, there is no way you will get anywhere near the top 10."
By EQUAL I mean women are exactly what the Hebrew word means, men with a womb. Not lesser in brain size. Or "ability"
Women can do higher math as well as men, they can design, and create.
They can be Brain Surgeons, Computer Programmers, Engineers, or Artists.
They were restricted by laws and customs.
A woman designed the LA freeway systems.
Women were oppressed even in the 1960's when MIT and Many universities did not allow them entrance
to thes all male sanctuaries. PAUL said women should not wear jewelry, and cover there heads etc,
but Paul ALSO said "Slaves be in subjection to your Masters", which was used by White Male "Christian"
slaveholders in the USA for 300 years to enslave generation after generation
of black families and sell them like property and use them to do all their work.
Thomas Jefferson was also a slave , he worked in the cotton sheets of Sally Hemming
Poor Tom
Women can do higher math as well as men, they can design, and create.
They can be Brain Surgeons, Computer Programmers, Engineers, or Artists.Yes but they can't catch a ball ;)
Yes but they can't catch a ball ;)______Cofty
Yes they can, Every person alive is due to a woman catchin' a " Ball "
I just discovered this woman hero this week: Gertrude Elion.
Women: Are they Equal to Men ?
Heck (actually, I am thinking of the stronger word!) no... and as a woman, wife, and mother... in THIS world... I say "PRAISE JAH for that!" And both the men and women here can read into that whatever they wish/need to - LOLOLOL!
A doulos of Christ,
Are men equal to women?
I believe that the glass can be both half empty and half full
It may be a borderline-offensive schoolyard taunt, but "throws like a girl" has an element of truth. Studies suggest that girls often don't throw as well as boys. (Boys v. girls is a little diminutive, but it's an important distinction; we'll get to that.) In fact, the "throwing gap," as it's called, is one of the biggest differences between the genders. It's not just the largest gap in physical activities--although it's the largest gap in that field--it's possibly the most salient gap. Period.
Literature on this put forward by Janet Hyde, professor of psychology and women’s studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, for example, has shown the disparity. more...