Not meaning to sound sexist : In general are women more emotional/feel good about religion,and men more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?

by smiddy 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TD

    What is the gender distribution among Witnesses?

  • Glander

    Yes, women are generally just not as intelligent as men nor can they drive a car as well as a man or use tools as well....

    Okay, that should get the ball rolling...

  • SixofNine

    Since being on this forum I've tried to follow some of the more convoluted theological discussion, and it just kills me!

    Maybe it bores you to death because, just like the Witness theology it is discussing, you know that at it's core, it's all just "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin"?

    As a witness, while I always blamed myself and had self-loathing for not.doing.the.research to truly understand the "deeper" (actually just more convoluted) things of our theology, I think that deep down I just knew it was bullshit. I mean, I went to three meetings a week, if things couldn't be explained deeply and in exquisit detail in years and years worth of meetings, how likely was it that there really existed logical support for anything questionable?

  • prologos

    "--WOMAN-- FEEL good about religion--" it seems so, in the KHs I remember, the ladies were the most prolific and emotional WT commentors (--resses?)

    Walking into a public library and seeing the ladies patronizing the rows and rows and rows of FICTION shelves explains why that strong RELIGIOUS bend is so.

    Much of these volumes have a high romantic content, and we men, and religion are the beneficiaries (mostly) of these pent-up interests.

    you can be sexist, truthful and still be politically correct.

  • wasblind

    Yes, women are generally just not as intelligent as men nor can they drive a car as well as a man or use tools as well....

    Okay, that should get the ball rolling...________Glander

    Any man brave enough to tell his woman that ; won't even get his balls rubbed

    Jus' sayin'

  • Xanthippe

    you can be sexist, truthful and still be politically correct. - prologos

    No you can't. You cannot be sexist and politically correct. That's illogical.

  • BluesBrother

    Sounds a lot like this old WTS quote...Is that where you got it?

    Family Life Book 1978 p51

    "A woman psychologist wrote: “Basically, women feel while men think.” By itself, one trait is not better than the other; they simply are different. We do not care for people who are unfeeling; neither do we like thoughtless persons. Obviously, women have the capacity both to feel and to think, and the same is true of men. But, generally speaking, a woman’s emotions more readily come to the fore, while a man is usually more inclined to try to subdue emotion in favor of what he considers a logical approach to matters. "

    I only know that generalisations are odious and no basis for judgement
  • LisaRose

    I believe there is a small bit of truth in that. I think women, as a whole, use their emotions a little more when making decision, while men tend to rely on logic to a greater degree. But of course women can use logic and men can feel emotions, the differences are not that great, and there is a wide variances in individuals.

    I have read a lot on personality typing, Myers-Briggs. One of the four types that they use to classify people is whether they are thinkers or feelers. Men are more likely to be thinkers, women are more likely to be feelers, but I worked with many women who were thinkers, and men who were feelers. Neither is considered better, the ideal is to use both feelings and logic as the situation demands. Women are more likely to see the nuances of a situation and understand the feelings of those involved, men are more likely to see issues as logical decisions to be made, more black or white.

    I am a feeler, though not extremely so. In my job, I used to write computer code, which is a logic based function, but my job also required me to interact with people and resolve issues, which used my feeling side more.

    It is true when I was a Witness, I was not interested in the "deeper things"'. I was always more interested in the human side of the religion, how the scriptures could be applied in our lives to make us better people, better parents, etc. I read some of the discussions on here, debates on whether God exists, the role of science and faith, etc, and I find it interesting, but not to the point I want to join in. I am more interested in the problems people have as they leave a high control religion like the JWs, the human side.

    So it's not sexist to acknowledge truths about the differences between men and women, what is sexist is thinking that those differences make one sex better than another.


    LisaRose That is a well worded and sensible post. Despite my post agreeing in general with the question posed by the thread title, men and women vary. In my marriage I tend to place more importance on emotion whereas my wife is a matter of fact and rather emotionally reserved. (am I still allowed to refer to her as mine?) Her whole family is the same. I wish it were not so but such is life.

  • Heartofaboy

    Why is it as women drivers wait at the traffic lights they run their fingers through their hair & look at themselves in the rear view mirror?

    Just asking...

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