Not meaning to sound sexist : In general are women more emotional/feel good about religion,and men more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?

by smiddy 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    WOW, village girl, you have great credentials, a fulfilled life! why do you aspire to a leadership role, really a reformist role on the floundering ship HMS WT BtS ?

    CHoose a domain, an organisation that appreciates your ministration. and

    you will feel better.

    ps. You are not the only one on this forum that has family members teaching academics on the river that shares your alma mater's name.

  • smiddy


    Please insert "though" in the first but and maybe "yet" in the second use of the word .LOL


    It`s not a scientific veiw,it`s my personal impression over the years .


    Your a braver man than I am Gunga Din


    My sentiments exactly.

  • smiddy


    No,I did not ,unless it was tucked away in my subconscience for the past 34 years .


    Your right I hope I didn`t imply one sex was better than the other ( all sex is good ) Sorry i couldn`t resist that .


    You need to ask ?


    Let`s count to ten have a couple of beers/vinos and simmer down , I don`t understand why people get so emotional ? / rational ? about different opinions .


  • grumblecakes

    the fact is, level of emotionvaries from indivdual to idividual, regardless of gender. neither is bad however.

    the broad and ill informed generalizations that the WTBTS likes to make about women are absurd and harmful to all of humanity. this op wreaks of lingering WT stank all over it as do some of the following comments.

    let go of the stereotypes my good people. learn to open up and give them a chance as individuals, not preconceived notions.

  • cofty

    Villagegirl - I have stated clearly that women are equal with men. I objected to your sweeping and patronising condemnation of men.

    You have responded with arrogance and insults.

    Ironic isn't it?

    By the way nobody is going to get judged by Jesus - he's dead. That's another subject.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Is it just me...or does it seem like village girl is shouting at us? That size is a bastard it's like reading all much as I do appreciate bigger print these days....geesh!

    I always thought it was interesting that woman were better at convincing their husbands 'without a word'...LOL

  • 2+2=5

    Not meaning to sound sexist but I think my wife might find reading this thread interesting. . . . . after she's finished cooking and cleaning and paying the marital due.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Why is it as women drivers wait at the traffic lights they run their fingers through their hair & look at themselves in the rear view mirror?
    Just asking...

    A few of us girls were asking ourselves the same question about men drivers. I drew the short straw, so I'm going to ask.

    Why is it as men drivers wait at the traffic lights they run their fingers through their hair & look at themselves in the rear view mirror?
  • tec

    Lol @ FHN.

    Nice ;)



  • cofty

    Must be an American thing.

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