Tater T wrote:
how bout this instead...
In general womens some people more emotional/feel good about religion,and men some people more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?
Also, there is an issue with the title of the thread and the originator's argument. He is trying to apply to the general public an anecdotal finding from his experience within the org.
The organization certainly is not representative of the world in general, so the argument fails from the outset. Certain types of people are attracted to JWs and convert. The women who choose to convert (or stay within) the organization may indeed be more emotional, but that was not my experience.
Personally, I thought the men were just as doctrinally ignorant, and I tired of having to delicately correct them.
TD noted studies indicating women gravitate to religion more than men, but that probably is always true of the weaker members in a society. We will not know if they are attracted to religion because of being women or because of their status as women for multiple decades. A possible indicator would be whether powerful, educated women gravitate to religion proportionally to powerful, educated men. That would militate towards the difference relating to status rather than gender.