Do you think those at the top realise that it's their fault - suicide as a result of being disfellowshipped?

by jambon1 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pickler

    There are so many suicides that never get even recognized as such.

    Accidents due to reckless driving or alcohol. It's hard to think of a more damaging belief system to enforce on vulnerable children & adolescents. Isolate, obey or be shunned, loneliness, denial of all sexual feelings unless you happen to meet & marry young.

    what happens if you never meet any one you click with in the organization, or if you are gay? A life of celibacy? People who are witnessed to door to door at least have an opportunity to ask questions. People born in have no time to think or ask questions. If you are not in, you are out.

    Ohhhh, and we also made sure there is nothing for you in the world either by denying you the chance to make friends or get an education.

    I wonder about those at the top, if they have any idea of the scale of the misery they have inflicted. For every happy JW, how many unhappy? How many wrecked marriages, broken families?


    They didn`t do what Jehovah wanted..

    Now they`re Dead!..

    Thats what happens when you.. How can you Not Love Anthony?..

    Love Satan!.. He`s just so Full of Sh*t!..

    ................................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • Pistoff

    They don't give a shit what happens to the little people.

    Or any suicides, whoever it is.

    They still haven't completely abandoned the whole suicide is self murder thing.

    They don't view depression as a serious illness.

  • NVR2L8


    I agree with you when you say suicides cannot be solely attributed to religion. When people are fragile, losing a close friend, getting divorced, losing a job or bullying can bring an individual's despair to an intolerable level when others can deal with the same issues in a more rational way. Still, I surely wouldn't want to be part of a judicial commitee who disfellowshipped someone who takes his life shortly after...There is no way elders can predict how someone will react to such a cruel punishment shunning is...but telling yourself you had no way of knowing is of little comfort when the person is gone.

  • Finkelstein

    There is a safe way through the despair. Yet to suggest disfellowshipping has a straightforward causal link to suicidal behavior is drawing an extremely long bow.

    Let it be low then, if the WTS. doctrines and how they psychologically related to people toward their own psychological make up,

    then why not point a finger at the WTS. and its polices.

    The two people I previously mentioned were young teens who were overcome with guilt and grief about the incoming day of judgment

    in 1975. If the WTS.'s doctrines were directly a cause of this anxiety and depression, then I have no problem laying the responsibility on

    to the WTS. and its decisive commercial marketing schemes.

  • cptkirk

    suicide = grave sin so....guess they are covered, at least in their minds

  • steve2

    Still, I surely wouldn't want to be part of a judicial commitee who disfellowshipped someone who

    takes his life shortly after...There is no way elders can predict how someone will react to such a

    cruel punishment shunning is

    No argument from me NVR2LT. While I do not believe the WT Society is the direct cause of individuals' decisions to take their own lives, that does not mean an individual's specific needs - including their mental-health needs - should be ignored by elders in the name of enacting a policy.

    Elders believe they have a job to do, but that does not mean they can show complete disregard for the mental state of an individual they are seeing. Even the Watchtower's recent comments on this topic cautioned elders about how they go about responding to individuals who have expressed suicidal ideation. Does anyone know the reference to a recent Watchtower on that topic?

  • designs

    The Wt. will try to thread the needle on showing some compassion, standing firm on its policies, and not being sued for wrongful death.

  • steve2
    The Wt. will try to thread the needle on showing some compassion, standing firm on its policies, and not being sued for wrongful death.

    Okay, they learn that they have to make some allowance for the mental state of people who they intend to disfellowship because they want to minimize the likelihood of being sued. So? Whatever the motivation for their making some allowance has got to be better for individuals than showing absolutely none.

    As distasteful as the shunning policy is, it is not illegal or morally wrong for any organization to decide what criteria are for membership and for terminating membership - and that is the reason why the state generally tries to keep out of an organization's membership/terminating membership policies. I'm not saying I think that is good or bad or indifferent. My point would be, their policies on shunning are the pits and can contribute to an individual's decision to end their lives, but it is not those policies per se that are the "cause" - instead, it is the individual's reaction to those policies. If individuals can be helped and encouraged to safely move on in their lives - despite the huge consequences of being shunned - they will be the better for it. I maintain that they day I finally grew up and became an adult who took responsibility for my life was the day - or rather night - I was disfellowshipped. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone but the fact is, I am just one of unknown numbers of others who have struggled with the impact of being shunned - and survived - with appropriate help and direction.

  • Quendi

    While I agree with the essence of what steve2 has shared on this topic, I also have to say that the WTS has a lot of blood on its hands. Its officers, from the Governing Body down to ministerial servants, have a collective responsibility to tenderly care for the flock it has assumed control over. Far too often, that control is exercised in a loveless, reckless and merciless fashion.

    The cult promotes itself as the one true religion and its adherents really believe this. So, when haled before a judicial committee and subjected to many of the hateful comments and treatment at its hands, it is small wonder that many give in to despair and choose a permanent solution to what is a temporary problem. Seldom is a judicial committee’s aim to ‘snatch people out of the fire.’ Instead, the elders sitting in these star chambers see themselves as agents of a vindictive divine justice which should be meted out to sinners who otherwise would corrupt the congregation.

    I was told by my judicial committee that they wanted to help me. They subsequently launched into a vicious attack on my character which was compounded by the asking of questions that never, under any circumstances, should have been posed. I was a mature man in my forties when I met with my committee. Eventually, I got the upper hand on them and made them dance to my tune. They made no effort to reclaim me and were all too happy to never see me in their kingdom hall again. The feeling was quite mutual.

    I found a way to move on with the help of others. When I recently bumped into two members of my judicial committee, I thought it interesting that they couldn’t look me in the face. Some of that was doubtless their self-righteousness at work. Another part may have arisen from a conviction that they were not only right to disfellowship me, but their subsequent refusal to grant reinstatement was also correct. However, I think they were also shocked to see that I had found peace and contentment outside the cult and was enjoying my life.

    I’ve been on the brink of suicide, so I know how hopeless a potential victim can feel. Ultimately, it is the individual’s choice to take his or her own life. Still, a person can be given reasons for taking this drastic action if his self-esteem has been destroyed by the words and actions of those whom he has respected, trusted or even loved.

    There is no way that the Governing Body is not aware of the many suicides that have followed some judicial committee action. They get constant reports from their officers in the field about what is going on in congregations worldwide. So they know what has been happening to those in fragile condition after a committee meeting. They have simply chosen to deny cause and effect and to hide in the lie that all those who have suffered brought it upon themselves for refusing to submit to “Jehovah’s discipline.” May Jehovah look upon them and judge and may I live to see it!


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