Questions for DFShipped...

by LDH 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deacon

    aah Gozz...
    I do not criticise ANYONE for posting here, specially not those looking for answers to questions. All of us who have been baptised Witnesses, have more or less been in the position where you are now, and like yourself, some still are.

    When they get the answers they require, and decide to stay or go, usually it is a good thing, and I support whatever decision they make as indivuduals, funnily enough, I have absolutely no axe to grind against integrity and sticking to ones beliefs.

    The situation with NickL,aka df'shipped is not of the above criteria.

    Of course, he is entitled to express his viewpoint on any DB or forum, and as a person of the same upbringing, I am entitled to point out the utter hypocrisy according to JW code of ethics in the presence here,

    ........given his stated mission to seek reinstatement....

    and his, as I see it, perceived arrogant duplicity in seeking association with members of this db, and along the way, stick it to us the society way, but escape via reinstatement and turn around and continue to condemn those who gave love and will happen.

    The hypocrisy I talk about here, is not of honest hearted searching, how could ANY enquiry into a life changing course be hypocritical? ...

    well, now that you have take it personal, I will apologise to you for any wording or lack of explanation that made you not understand my meaning....and the scheme of things, we are NOT the keepers of others consciences.....but you know, it is because of double standards when a person KNOWS he wants one thing and goes against DF....that screws up all the efforts of honest hearted elders in the congregations...and thats a shame for any organisation.

    If this doesnt clarify it finally, then that is tough coz Im done with it...I always read peoples posts very carefully before I comment...if you read his and mine, perhaps you will see where Im coming from...

    I have no love for people that will stick it to me down the line...especially when you see it coming..

    Edited by - Deacon on 5 February 2001 9:29:22

  • mommy

    I am with Gozz on this one. I didn't have to fill out a form when I registered, didn't have to answer the "right" questions to start posting here. But I also understand why the questions from the others. I for one HATE hypocrisy. What is good for today but isn't good for tomorrow, doesn't cut it with me. I try to live my life now as I will 50 years from now. If I don't like someone or don't believe in something, it is not likely to change.
    DF has entered this board seeking something, he made his views clear when he first entered, he even went so far as to label himself. I for one don't care who he is or what his station in the org is. He is human and he is here, and not harming anyone. So if he disgusts you wish him a good day and overlook him. Anger towards him is only hurting yourself in the long run(I found this out when I posted to MDS)

  • LDH

    I don't think anyone is *Angry* at DFD. I think, maybe *incredulous* is a better word. ha ha.

    DF'D, Path: I am not lost on the matter of Malawi. You're confusing the issue. There are two separate issues: Voting Cards and Voting.

    First of all, let me say something that I *thought* was obvious, but apparently not.

    In a one-party state, *not* carrying that one party's card would be tantamount to political subversion. Duh, if there is only one political party in the whole country and you don't support it, who *do* you support? In reality, you are being subversive and if the laws of that country require you to carry that card and you don't, I would guess that you could be killed for treason.

    Now, whether or not you vote is another whole issue. Even people in this country know that just because you're registered to vote doesn't mean you *have* to.

    The thing is, this exchange started because you stated the Society never said it was ok to vote, and you're wrong. Nov 99 QFR *clearly* labels voting a conscience matter.

    My question to you: when did it become a conscience matter?
    And, why are our bros and sis experience in Malawi being invoked in a 1999 article on VOTING, that's V-O-T-I-N-G.

    This is what you wrote to me:


    I am truly stunned. And I am not being facetious. Since when are we or anyone else able to vote with a clean conscience ?? If you can quote one published comment by the wtbs condoning this I I will eat my hat.::

    Then you wrote:

    Not so fast girl.

    I asked you to show me a quote from the WBTS condoning or supporting the act of voting. ( presumably in a political sense as you mentioned Malawi )

    You implied that the wbts has changed their view point::

    Which is a LIE. What you *asked* was for me to show you where the WBTS says we can vote with a clean conscience. <b>Which I did</b>, I cited the Nov 99 QFR. Then you lied and said what you had asked me was to show you where the WBTS condones or supports voting! >:( Any high schooler can see where you changed your argument, you've been well trained by the WBTS to change your wording, seemingly innoculously! If it's a God-D*@# conscience matter, the WBTS doesn't *have* to support or condone the said activity. DUH. Voting is clearly *NOW* a conscience matter, According to the Nov 99 QFR.

    Stop changing the subject and having people falsely defend your right to post here. If you're going to post here fine, we welcome you. But don't outright lie and say one thing and then later say something totally different.

    You must've forgotten where you are. You're on a board where *we* have been trained to pick apart holes in the arguments of householders and boy, did I just find a *HOLE*.

    You will be graciously accepted if you offer your apologies, and then eat your hat as you originally stated.

    And another thing, (this time to everyone reading this board): Stop assuming you know the spiritual state of another poster. I would hazard a guess that Jehovah cares a lot more about your heart condition, your motivations and your intentions than he does about what title you wear.

    Hackles Raised on Monday Morning isn't a good thing Class

  • Deacon

    K guys, as more on the subject....

  • mommy

    You forgot to end with a song and prayer:)

  • LDH


    Did I miss something?

    ::K guys, as more on the subject....::

    I didn't know *anything* was stated about "no more on the subject."

    Mondays suck.

  • Deacon

    Dear Wedny... :)

    Its a bummer, I didnt even think about ending in song and prayer....

    Ive strayed too far....sigh

  • Deacon

    LDH antagonist you...:)
    (whatever that is..)

  • trevor

    It is very human to feel resentment towards Witnesses who want to keep a foot in both camps. I have mentioned before that my younger brother is an elder who comes with his wife to stay. He likes to have a laugh tell me jokes he would not hare with other elders and feels he can have a drink and be himself when he is with us.

    It is tempting to point out that he is being two faced an dishonest and that he should live up to standards he claims to uphold. However I view him with compassion seeing a man who has been tricked and only gets to be himself when he is out of town. If he wants to think he is getting the best of both worlds then so be it, but he is fooling no one but himself. Time is the great leveller.

    I never judge him, try to council him or point out the contradictions in his life. I just enjoy his company take him at face value and take pleasure in knowing that I am one of the few people who really get to know him. On has to rise above negative emotions and except such people as they are. I left the Witnesses to claim my right to meet people without prejudice. To allow other peoples inconsistencies to annoy me would be to fail myself.

    I hope that by sharing this I have helped others to enjoy peace within themselves regardless of what others do.


  • crittersitter

    i read the posts and the malawi thing came back to mind. i was a young girl at the time, and remember reading the horrific stories, nearly in tears and shocked by the graphic details( which is nothing compared to what we get on the evening news)
    i remember thinking that the sexual assults on the sisters were so detailed that even my mom had a hard time explianing this horrid behavior to me ( was this a thrill for all the pedophiles and perverts lurking at the kh at the time?)
    i was scared this would happen to us in this country too, after all 1975 was not too far away. i kept my mouth shut about being a jw
    i was just a 12 yr old. i did not want to be raped because i was supposed to be "nuetral"
    but reality was (and is) many have gone to prison and suffered for what they believe the truth to be. this is in no way to be scoffed at, tho sad to be a martyr for the wrong reasons, or for what may at the time be truth, and then become "new light".
    what about those in this country who could not do a job on a military base because it would be supporting the gov't???
    or be a policeman because of carrying a gun?
    the list goes on, but what about the guys at the top who secretly or not so secretly have an interest in the very things that the rank and file are admonished to stay away from???
    recently i was given info on wtbts having shares of stock in an outfit that makes parts for the military...
    some of you probably know this, but it was a huge eye opener for me. and i don't give a flip if it was a "donation" or what ever
    the company is involved in military componants.
    why is it ok for them???
    see web site for your self:

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