In the attached comment for "family activity" is to act this event out. Family worship night...conducted by dad with a butcher knife.
More connect-the-dots madness...
by cedars 81 Replies latest jw friends
I am revulsed beyond words.
I have just been staring at that completed dot to dot picture with total shock! Words fail me!!
I am 61 years old and I find it very disturbing, so how the hell is a tiny child going to feel?!?
How many disturbed children out there are going to be given this lovely little dot to dot picture of a defenceless baby about to be mutilated by a man with a very sharp knife to complete? Children are very impressionable. As for the thought of them acting this out on family worship night?!?!
Apart from the obvious scare tactics and nighmares resulting from this, it could fill their little heads with all sorts of ideas.
You only have to watch the news for evidence of how children can re-enact scenes from horror films they have watched and been influenced by. In my mind this is equally as bad as allowing a child to watch a horror film.
I wish something could be done about this
breakfast of champions
Cool Cedars, thanks for bringing this to my attention. Will be printing one out for my wife this evening. Very nice.
My daughter loved this story as a child. She called it "The Cut Baby Story." She was very jealous of her little brother-- extreme sibling rivalry. She had dark moods as a child which always concerned me. It is clear to me now where they came from. She taught herself how to read by the time she was five with My Book of Bible Terrors. Our immediate family is all out now, but she and her brother still have a distant relationship.
It's one thing to have an illustrated picture in a book ... still bad at a certain level
but a picture, designed to be used to teach your young child ... dot-to-dot for crying out loud, ages 3 or 4 + ... where the image the CHILD creates is of the knife and baby ready to be cut in half ?!?!
that is nasty, bad, negligent, wicked at a whole different level as far as I'm concerned
this is revolting. Yes, they've always loved their scary pictures. I was fascinated by them myself as a child. One of my daughters loved the "cut the baby in half" story, too. But to invite a child to actively become engaged in drawing these kinds of pictures is a different thing. Talk about promoting hatred.
As a psychologist, if I see children drawing violent pictures that depict death, I worry about their mental health.
Out of a ton of stories in the Bible, they have to pick the "R" rated ones. Very smart GB/FDS/WT. Shows clearly that you have Jehovah's Spirit.
One of the questions associated with the 'cut the baby' PDF on the JW website is:
When you have to make a difficult decision, how can you be wise like Solomon?
So I suppose kids can learn from this that it is 'wise' to get the outcome you want by threatening to harm an infant.*
*Younger psychopaths might like to start on the family pet.Brilliant. Thanks, Watch Tower.
Yan Bibiyan
Is it me or do both Solomon and the soldier look like they are stoned!
The soldier look like saying:" Sh!!!!t boss, whateva you say, dog!"