I guess I never minded the Bible Stories illustrations as a kid, so I don't see the problem here either. Of course I am wanted in five states for random stabbings and defenestrations, so maybe I'm biased.
More connect-the-dots madness...
by cedars 81 Replies latest jw friends
Apognophos - Violence against children is abhorrent! I would never let my small children see this picture. TV and video games, while they can be violent, don't have children as the victims (at least not ones I've ever watched). And material for children certainly don't have gruesome pictures like this.
I noticed the man with the knife is holding the baby differently than in the My Book of Bible Stories. At least the baby isn't being dangled by a foot in this picture (not saying this picture is better in anyway). I grew up with the Yellow Bible Stories book and was disturbed by some of the pictures. So happy we're out of this religion now and my children don't have to do these "fun" activities.
But its in the bible, so it must be righteous to present to the public and children too.
This is how brainwashed stupid JWS think.
The bible is full of barbaric violence, murder, rape and some it accomplished no less by Jehovah himself.
Doesn't necessarily mean that you should read it to children.
Apognophos, I don't know why but I have this sinking feeling that you may be a Watchtower troll.
My God, what an over-sensitive lot you are! Where in that account does the child get murdered? And how about you read more of someone's posts before pronouncing them a troll, newbie?
Where in that account does the child get murdered?
It doesn't, its the forbearing thought suggestion that a child could be cut in half, is the damaging part.
Did you get the point about this kind of imagery if it were found in a typical children's coloring book ???
Oh, certainly. But I think that if the child understands the context of the story -- his parent is there saying, "See, this is when Solomon tested the women to see which was the mother!" -- then it's not going to be scary. But if the picture is shown out of context, that's all kinds of wrong.
The same kids seeing these pictures are watching violent movies with their dad or playing violent games when their parents aren't looking.
The people who make those movies do not claim to be God's sole channel of communication on earth, the only organization through which one can survive the impending destruction of the world, or the FDS.
Or are children not supposed to know that knives exist?
They are not supposed to associate knives with cutting babies.
And how about you read more of someone's posts before pronouncing them a troll, newbie?
Don't worry, I will. I just think it's sick that a publishing company who professes to be God's channel of communication with mankind chooses to make activities for kids which focus on a morbid side of said God. And I personally can't support that, that's all.
these pictures is what nightmares come from. I went on JW.org to check out these pictures then called on the way out SIL who still has children and granchildren in and directed her to seenwhat the org. thinks is good training for small children. A teacher of a first grade class here in Florida is in trouble for passing out racially motivated pictures to her class one of little child with the title of Jim Crow and the second picture of a lynching. Parents are extremely upset and rightfully so. These pictures by JWs and this teacher are all inappropriate.
bats in the belfry
Those gruesome stories are taught as face value stories just as what the adults learn in their Theocratic Ministry School.
And that's exactly how they will go about inculcating a yougster's mind during Family Worship™ night.
Don't be mistaken - connecting the dots will have a lasting effect on young minds, and hell, not for the better!
Here is what the instructions book has to say:
"Another suggestion is to try to visualize what you read, making mental pictures as an aid to memory. In imagination see the actors and the background, hear the sounds and voices, smell the odors, taste the food and drink, share the happiness or grief of a situation. Try to put yourself in the scene being described. Every sense can be brought into play imaginatively to reproduce vividly the Bible account. Passages of Bible history can be more easily committed to mind in this way." sg study 4 p. 23 par. 15 How to Read and Remember