More connect-the-dots madness...

by cedars 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • alecholmesthedetective

    How about Jael pinning Sisera's temples to the ground?

    Judah sleeping with a prostitute, I mean, his daughter-in-law...

    Samson eating honey from the lion's carcass...

    Judas Iscariot's intestines rolling down the hill with him...

    Cain killing Abel...

    Miriam stricken with leprosy...

    Elijah slaughtering Baal's prophets...

    Gehazi being cursed by Elisha with leprosy...

    Eli falling backward and dying from a broken neck...

  • Apognophos

    I don't know, I think you guys are overreacting. The same kids seeing these pictures are watching violent movies with their dad or playing violent games when their parents aren't looking. Or are children not supposed to know that knives exist?

  • wannabefree
    I don't know, I think you guys are overreacting.

    These are teaching tools for young children, dot-to-dots are typically for 4 years old and up. These are in the children's section of the website. Parents who sit down and watch violent movies or play violent video games with their pre-school aged children are irresponsible.

    Knowing that a knife exists and having a small child complete an image on a dot-to-dot about cutting a child in half are quite different.

    So .... nope, not overreacting, now you know.

  • Finkelstein

    It would easy to assume that the WTS. is trying to envelop children with thoughts of fear to eventually make them controllable under the direction

    of the WTS. Start the fear process early and you'll most likely have controlled slaves in the future.

  • cedars


    I don't know, I think you guys are overreacting. The same kids seeing these pictures are watching violent movies with their dad or playing violent games when their parents aren't looking. Or are children not supposed to know that knives exist?

    No, we're not overreacting.

    A dot-to-dot of Lot's wife dying wouldn't be so shocking if her back was turned (as in the My Book of Bible Stories), but with this picture children can see the look of agony on her face as she dies an excruciating if rather unlikely death. Also, bear in mind that this isn't just a fairytale among Witnesses - it is taught as being something that really happened to someone thousands of years ago. If that's not desensitizing children to violence and retribution, I don't know what is.

    As to the picture of a baby about to be butchered by a soldier, do you really need me to explain why this isn't appropriate material for young children?


  • Apognophos

    I agree that the Lot's wife one is too macabre. The Solomon story, as we all know, does not end with a baby being cut in half. I might be a little concerned if I had a small child and a baby that the small child might try to imitate the story after seeing this, but besides that I don't see why this would be frightening, damaging, or unhealthy for a kid to see.

  • Finkelstein

    I might be a little concerned if I had a small child and a baby that the small child might try to imitate the story after seeing this, but besides that I don't see why this would be frightening, damaging, or unhealthy for a kid to see.

    Obviously you know nothing about human psychology, just like the leaders of the WTS.

    Putting forth the mental suggestion of a cutting knife used to carve or cut animate objects in half, posed suggestively against a child being held up

    by a man and turning this picture into a connect the dots coloring picture !!!!!! come on

    I wonder what kind of public response would occur with a coloring book with those kinds of images placed inside would

    make in a children's toy or book store ?????

    For people who think this is perfectly harmless in the context of directly to whom this image is intently created toward.

    Come on grab a fucking brain.

    Sadly you can see how the WTS. can overwhelm people's intellect, or perhaps exploit an intellect that isn't much there.

  • 00DAD

    Imagine a public school teacher having elementary aged children (5 - 12 years) engaging in these activities, albeit stripped of any religious context.

    It's just gruesome.

    At the very least, the teacher would be censured and subject to discipline if not termination.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    OODAD Parents would be up in arms demanding the teachers head, metaphorically speaking, course. I wonder how many JW parents are going to demand the Governing Body Member's head

  • Finkelstein

    Fear is the tool that the WTS. mostly used to gravitate its devoted subjective followers.

    That being the case why not start early with children who are very impressionable.

    Seating the seed of fear early will mostly foster into a mind controlled slave later on in their life.

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