More connect-the-dots madness...

by cedars 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • WishingLiz

    I remember looking at the pictures in The Revelation book and others when I was young. They were mesmerizing to me.

    Where did they get the idea they're better than the whole rest of the world? What an ego.

  • Lore

    Thanks for posting the solution bats.

    I'm sure none of us could have possibly figured it out without connecting the dots.

  • Gayle

    This is extremely inappropriate for preschoolers..

    Here the WTS won't even let their JW children draw a Christmas tree or a Santa.

    The WTS is evil with extreme insensitivities for innocent children.

    I am disgusted.


    The WBT$ Governing Popes are Demented Sick-O`s..


    Proud Of It!!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Quirky1

    That's fucked up...

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "FAMILY ACTIVITY: Without speaking, one family member could
    act out the part of one of the characters in 1 Kings 3:16-28.
    The rest of the family should try to guess the identity of that character."

    Little Jimmy runs to the kitchen for dad's largest chef's knife. . . . .

  • vajeni82

    I think I'm gonna puke. I remember some of this stuff from the yellow book in the 80s. How could they ever think this is appropriate for children? If they want to teach kids fairytales, why can't they just stick with Noah's ark or Jonah and the whale?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Childless men in an ivory tower writing children's books. Yea that would work in the real world

  • sd-7

    "FAMILY ACTIVITY: Without speaking, one family member could
    act out the part of one of the characters in 1 Kings 3:16-28.
    The rest of the family should try to guess the identity of that character."

    Sounds like a JW Vengeance Dad meme in the making...



    Of course, no actual death happens in this story, but the threat of violence and the drawing of a violent image is certainly present. The child draws the knife and the baby. As someone who has small kids, if I see my child connecting the dots on this picture, I'm going to have to throw it in the trash and demand that no further drawings of this sort be used for my children's activities. This really is not a proper way to involve children in worship. I can understand reading the stories to them--and that, I think, from the Christian perspective would be perfectly fine--but these pictures are going to stay with them.

    I can still remember one of my earliest childhood memories from 'My Book of Bible Stories', with Abel lying in a pool of his own blood. I can remember staring at that picture for a long time, and feeling an emotion I couldn't fully quantify until I was much older--I felt disturbed.

    But this is...hmm. I think I'd like to share this with my old therapist, just to see what she would say. There are worse things that will happen to the kids who grow up as JWs than drawing on this picture. But this is peculiar, at least.


  • crmsicl

    "I believe that religious ideas that are taught to children cause them emotional torment and are therefore inherently abusive."

    Donald Capps, author of The Child's Song

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