It's been over 20 years since I left and according to my profile, I've been on this board for the last 10 of those years.
I kept coming back here because my father and sisters are both still JWs. I'd talk to my father every weekend before he died. Part of me wanted to keep up with what was going on. Was there going to be something that jeopardized our relationship? Could I counteract it? I guess I've also been watching for the JW demise. Waiting for it all to crumble. Hoping for eventual validation from my JW family that yes, I was right to leave, instead of being perceived as a "poor lost sheep". Along with a slight bit of scorn from brother-in-laws.
After my father passed away, and since I have a lot less contact with my sisters, I don't come here as much, I don't feel the draw. But it comes and goes. My sisters are hardly a part of my life. They're not like a dad. I love them, but was never as close to them as they were married off when I was little. They don't call. So there's not a lot of risk. One day they will pass on too and I may cease to have any interest in JW things whatsoever.
For now, interest in things JW comes and goes. Sometimes I'll see this site in my bookmarks and figure, let's go see what's going on in JW world or ex-JW world as the case may be. And I'll get curious about some stories. But I'm getting less and less interested. If anything, it's the social aspect sometimes, not the JW part.
I would love to help people leave if I can or at least help them through things. In some cases, I think my posts do help. As far as making the case against JWs, there is so much out there, is there anything not covered already? Does repitition and duplication make the case more strongly? Maybe.