A Lesson Fom OUTLAW..

by OUTLAW 75 Replies latest jw experiences



    Thanks..They were nice kids..


    If they started their time when they left and counted the time back..

    It`s an easy 2+hrs to pad their FS time..

    Yes rattling rocks in a tin can is good for alerting bears your in their area..


    Yes they drove all they way out here to deliver WBT$ Crap,then drove around..

    The gas bill for that would be obscene..


    The next time JW`s are up here..

    I`ll be having a chat with the car group about taking better care of the kids..

    Label Licker..

    There are a few homes scattered around here..

    I poked my head out the door to check on the kids..

    They were gone..

    I didn`t see any blood so I know they were`nt eaten..LOL!!..

    They must have been picked up to do more of the mountain..



    The girls were sweet,it would have been a crime to be mean to them..

    I went D2D as a JW Kid..

    It`s a terrible thing to force a child to do..

    JW`s will say "We don`t force our children to do anything"..

    Try telling your JW parents you don`t want to go to a meeting or in the FS..

    Shit will hit the Fan..Right now!..

    ............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif. ..OUTLAW

  • quincy_aka_quentin

    "... He stressed that even a mother partridge is a danger if she thinks her young ones are threatened."Jgnat

    Yes mam...ANY mother, wild or domestic, will get after you. Learned that one day while surveying when a momma cow chased me across a field like a bull would.

    Now, let me get this straight. Two young teen girls came to your house in the middle of nowhere to place an invitation? Where were the dad's or any adults? The morons need to be tied to a post in your front yard. Out in the sticks like that it's not only the wild animals that need to be thought of also the serial killer that might answer the door. Mindless jackasses.

    Outlaw you handled the whole thing nicely and planted a seed.



    You know how WBT$ experiences go..

    The story is tweaked to say whatever the WBT$ wants the story to say..

    I`m probably an Elder by now..LOL!!..


    Those girls were much to young for me to say they were cows in heat..LOL!!..

    I don`t want to tramatise them..LOL!!


    I`m surrounded by thousands of acres of mountains and wilderness..

    The few homes that are here,do not make this civilization..

    JW`s that come out here have no idea..They may brake down and have to survive here..

    I`m not going to know if they`re higher up the mountain or down in the canyon..

    If they go over a cliff they may not be found till spring..


    We have a number for animal control here too..

    Sometimes animals have to be relocated..

    To protect the few people that are here..


    Theres the right Way,the Wrong Way and..

    The WBT$ WatchTarded Way..

    To them it makes more sense to spend $$$$$$$$$ in gas..

    To deliver a pennys worth of WBT$ Crap nobody wants..

    Plus risk lives to do it..

    This is avalanche country in avalanche season..

    You could have a huge boulder or a mudslide..

    Wipe you off the highway..

    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Glander

    I'd like a free home Bible study!



    Yes the 2 girls were alone..

    I would imagine the adults were up a ways on the mountain doing some homes there..

    Like I mentioned before..

    JW`s went to one guys door up here and he decided to keep them..


    He was drunk had a rifle and wanted company..

    Dam..That`s still Funny!!..LOL!!..

    ............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Glander

    I know of occasions when adult sisters, in pairs, were confronted by nude men opening the door. Also sisters walking by a car and seeing a man spanking the pup.

    Risky for any woman, but for preteen girls just going off down the road and up a drive out of sight is criminally stupid.

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