i don't want to be seen as attacking christ, i like his teachings in general. i saw someone posting about iran and nuclear war; spirit of the jungle was fine 300 years ago, but spirit of the wolf in the hands of men wielding nuclear weapons, means we are all dead. even underground, the private underground facilities aren't going to keep people safe too long...the govt ones may. there is wisdom in christ(even if he was a fable), unfortunately there are a ton of contradictions, and i've seen where blind obedience leads.
Found a scripture where Jesus is clearly manipulating people
by cptkirk 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
i don't want to be seen as attacking christ, i like his teachings in general.
You might want to look at what jesus really taught and what he forgot to say. Xians only like to remember his one liner about loving your neighbour they forget or are not aware of the remainder of the gospels. I wont bias your thoughts any further but you might find what me and others say about jesus in the discussion below. The topics we seem to be focusing in on, are slavery, rape and jesus comments about the Torah.
Jesus wasnt the example you think he was. If you read the gospels you will find very different thoughts in the same way reading the OT paints a very different picture from the paradise portrayed by xians including the WTS.
Theres nothing wrong with critiquing anybody, me or your friends or anyone. If we dont ask we might never find answers. You can challenge whetehr gravity exists but we all know that the universe tells us otherwise. Go investigate what Jesus did and didnt say by reading the Bible yourself and looking at scriptures and what they say. Dont let others tell you what to think, check what the book says itself.
Once you do you will realise the Bible is not the same book xians pretend it is. It is very much a different book, no morals or examples of good and so on. None of the heros in the Bible are nice men, King David, Abraham, Moses, Elijah etc, they all do things that would be criminal today and this happens on multiple occassions. I know for a fact that i would wnat my kids hanging around those characters and i certainly would leave any country run by them.
I don't think someone using Christ's words to manipulate a situation or other people reflects on Christ.... rather that it reflects upon the person twisting his words to do thier manipulation.
Everything i said is true, and the shear volume of scriptures that back what i say is proof enough as opposed to your one love thy neighbour scripture. The numbers speak for themselves.
Im sorry i am being truthful. Anyone can see that i have not redefined a single word or jumped in and said that really means something else. If you read the text for what it says, my observation is correct.
When you start redefining words, and so on, you end up with a zillion different ideas which is why we have a zillion different xian religions. They are all different because they are all lying and making stuff up. None read the text literally hwihc is the way it should be read. If God Or Jesus wanted to say something else then they should have said it, but they didnt.
A stop sign says stop, give way means give way. Everywhere else stuff is simple but only xians redefine words that mean one thing to everyone and the dictionary and then tell you it really means something else. The only conclusion we canmake is they are liars, or Jehovah needs to go back to school and learn how to write for his audience. SOmehow i dont think God got it wrong, the real answer is opportunists lied about being inspired and made the whole thing up for theia dvantage of course.
You never hear of King David, Abraham, Noah, Adam, ISaiah, Jeremiah, Solomon giving food to orphans or helping slaves. Why would they ?The authors wanted the populace to respect them and keep thes tatus quo so they could live like kings literally while the poor were scared about Jehovah and paid their taxes and gave gold to the temple.
there are a decent amount of people on this board who know more than i do about this, but i do know a lot; my statements may seem glib, but they are based on a lot of reading and researching. i've come to pretty clear conclusions as the last sentence in my post before this indicates. as long as we remain a society repeating the same errors of aggression and hatred and so forth(esp. with the weapon capabilities that we have), we need a jesus even if he is just a parable. apparently even the military agrees with me; gunnery sgt hartman didn't like private joker's comments on the virgin mary too much (every vet i've ever talked to said that film was a dead ringer too). even they know without some kind of balancing force, we will go into a nuclear ww3.
Everything i said is true, and the shear volume of scriptures that back what i say is proof enough as opposed to your one love thy neighbour scripture.
Such a twisted and false statement of anything I have ever said, and anything that is even written. I am not taking over cptkirk's thread with continuous arguments over something that you already have two threads devoted for. You can continue to argue with me on those threads if you like. I wont' respond to you here.
You should think and speak against jesus teachings otherwise we as a scoiety wont make progress. If we let the status quo remain we would be back in the dark ages ruled by the Catholic church and its proxies the christian kings of europe.
i understand your position--if you notice i said "as long as we remain...." leaving a window open for evolution later.
there are a decent amount of people on this board who know more than i do about this, but i do know a lot; my statements may seem glib, but they are based on a lot of reading and researching.
I don't think your statements are glib, or that you do not have a working knowledge of the bible. I don't think you are attempting to malign Christ, either.
I just think people taking his words and using them to twist and manipulate others... is on them, and not on Christ. People can find a reason to twist and manipulate even the most innocent of things. Including 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.
i am somewhat confused on what you are saying tec. i understand the concept of a person taking a passage from the bible and manipulating for their own interests--but this scripture is strictly indicative of christ's position, not anyone taking his words out of context right?
and btw tec the sentence that you quoted me on, i mainly said that because when i clicked on the url that mp posted, i saw it was like 30,000 words. so, my main point was, i'm not going there because i've looked at the details and formed conclusions...i don't need to re-visit the entire thing at that level.
i am somewhat confused on what you are saying tec. i understand the concept of a person taking a passage from the bible and manipulating for their own interests--but this scripture is strictly indicative of christ's position, not anyone taking his words out of context right?
I am saying that I think it is easy to impugn manipulation on Christ, because we have experience with others using those words as a manipulative tactic.
I guess i am also wondering what you found to be manipulative about his words? I am not clear perhaps on what you see. They did not bring anyone over to his cause, who was grumbling against him.