Someone above just laid out a parallel passage from Luke providing more detail.
Found a scripture where Jesus is clearly manipulating people
by cptkirk 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
i wanted to read what pterist wrote if that was what you were referring to, but haven't had a chance yet because of its length.
i hear what you are saying, but the bottom line is....the right thing to do is pray, or walk away. isn't he telling them why they are wrong? and if he was doing it with well laid out facts that would be one thing, but he's not. he's just saying this proverb that really you would think, would only be said by someone else *about* him, not him saying about himself? that sounds haughty.
I can see your point about self-applying that to himself coming off as arrogant.
IMO, it would probably have been a very common response to that type of argument in that context done by a prophet and inline with the prophest of the OT. They were NOT the type to shy away or demure from a challenge, so what should Christ?
I think a reply like that to a personal attack like thiers was rather appropriate and I don't think those verse suggest manipulation on Jesus' part.
Of course that is simply my opinion.
The video below, (If it shows up here) shows how Luke interprets Mark 6 and uses it in his account of the Gospel.
Luke and Acts, a two-volume work, are structured very carefully by the author to outline the ministry of Jesus and the spread of the Gospel to the gentiles. The Gospel of Luke emphasizes the themes of Jesus' Jewish piety, his role as a rejected prophet, and the reversal of earthly status. The Gospel ends in Jerusalem, and the Acts of the Apostles begins there and then follows the spread of the Gospel, both conceptually and geographically, to Samaria and the gentiles. By closely analyzing the Gospel and Acts, we see that the author was not concerned with historicity or chronological order. Rather, he writes his "orderly account" to illustrate the rejection of the Gospel by the Jews and its consequent spread to the gentiles.
Handout: Luke and Acts Outline [PDF]Assignment
Ehrman, Bart D. The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, pp. 121-140
Bible: The Gospel of Luke
Lecture Chapters
- The Structure of Luke and Acts [ 00:00:00 ]
- The Themes of Luke [ 00:17:35 ]
- The Geography of Acts [ 00:34:03 ]
Course Media
mov [500MB] -
"An eye-for-an-eye, a tooth-for-a-tooth" leaves you with a bunch of blind, deaf people - Tony Dinozzo, Very Special Agent, NCIS.
"Turn the other cheek" leaves the world run by bunch of bullies.
It's surprising people don't think a little further about those inane "words of wisdom."
"Interpretation belongs to God."
When all is said and done, so much is messed up under Satan's rule that many things will not be resolved until JUDGMENT DAY.
Jesus was a cult leader . . . and used all the tactics cult leaders use.
Jesus Is the Vine—Followers Are Branches
This parable is yet another example where Jesus is trying to best or at the least be equal to a pagan God. Dionysuis was a Greek God often depicted as getting drunk and i think he died and rose as well. Jesus tried to best a lot of gods or great men many times. The virgin birth is another example. Because many(all?) Greek and Roman were born of virgins the gospel writers had to make the same thing up for jesus and then point to Isa 7 which of course doesnt even have tehw ord virgin. The story of the bread and fish is a best of Elijah ( i think its elijah from the OT). Jesus feeds more with less.The authors were trying to show that Jesus was the actually a pagan god. IN the anceint world all religions had basically the same gods with variations. Romes Jupiter was the same as Zeus etc
The video below, (If it shows up here) shows how Luke interprets Mark 6 and uses it in his account of the Gospel.
Well that goes to show that Luke is not a historian but simply an editor making up his own story. You or me can do the same and write our own gospels. IN fact thats what xians and the WTS do when they write their own books that say Jesus meant this or he likes that but of course they have real trouble actually quoting a real life comporary. Its always made up.
Interpretation belongs to God.
Why didnt God just write properly unambiguously the first time ? Surely if he can creat the universe he has the skill to make things succinct and perfect.