This is such an interesting topic. I was raised as a JW and df'd at 20. Its so ingrained in you that its hard to think there could be other senarios. At least, you can get a basic knowledge of somethings in the Bible that the JWs don't mix-up. Also, being raised as a JW, for me, left me with no desire to belong to any organized religion. Its been 21 years and I don't trust religion. All religions, Christian, Allah and Judeo seem to deal in semanitics. Christians believe in heaven and hell and JWs believe in paradise on earth (JW version of heaven) or just death (JW version of hell.) Born-again Christians believe that a person is heaven bound when they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, even if they're on their deathbed and have led less than a Christian life. Well, that doesn't seem fair so that leads me to believe that they're could be a ranking system where newbies would still have to be taught or prove themselves. Who knows? I think we go somewhere when we die and I'd like to believe that if there are ranks that JWs like my parents would be at the lowest rank. I know my parents are evil just misguided and I got to believe there some justice somewhere for all the pain JWs give.