And in the OT itself, the law is spoken of having been handled by the lying pen of the scribes. So tell me how these things jive with your... either he accepted it or he didn't?
I don't need to, perhaps since you hear Christ he'll tell you why he made those statements that show he endorsed the law in those versus I posted above that are his quotes. I know... so many contradictions and confusion.
He came as the Truth, to show the Truth of God. He came as the Word of God. Not to point to something else as being the word of God.
It is very simple. Look to Christ to see God. Not the Israelites (often hard-hearted, who needed the law written on stone tablets because the law could not be written upon their hearts) Not the law (lying pen of the scribes, and also given due to those hard hearts). Not Moses (who prophecies that we are to listen to the One who comes after him) Not the scriptures (which make no such statement about themselves). Not the bible (which is not even one book, much less claiming to be inerrant)
It wasn't the isrealites that ordered a genocide and sat by and watched it happen that was god and Jesus, "truth" does not look too appealing when you look at those pesky facts. We should expect better from an almighty being.
I cannot prove it.
Thanks for admitting that. Don't you think it's a somewhat reasonable request of an almighty to identify the truth about him and what he wants so that there is no ambiguity there?
God's message is clear. Listen to my Son.
Saying the words doesn't make it so, see the last point. All I and millions of others hear is the wind blowing.
B) Christ did not look at the OT as truth. You have no reason to think this. He corrected things from the law, and revealed the Truth instead. "You have heard it said, but i tell you now..."
In fact I do have reason to think this, that is why I quoted several gospel scriptures which show that Jesus accepted the law as truth. Think of all the times he stated "it is written..." would he keep saying that if he didn't believe it?
Translations and copying, etc, are not inerrant. (again, woe to you scribes)
So do you deny that god did give Israel that command to enter the promised land and slaughter all of the people that were already there?
Do you think that those are the first or last instance that someone used God's name to demand that others go to war and utterly destroy one's enemies?
No I don't, and again therein lies the big problem with religion and god to my original point. God allowing that confusion to continue to fester shows a total lack of love and leadership.