Either Christ accepted it or he didn't, there is no get out clause here for someone that was all knowing.
He corrected parts from it. Such as the law moses gave regarding divorce. Christ said moses gave that law because the israelites hearts were hard... but the TRUTH was... anyone who divorces except for adultery, commits adultery. He also 'woed to the scribes'. And in the OT itself, the law is spoken of having been handled by the lying pen of the scribes. So tell me how these things jive with your... either he accepted it or he didn't?
He had a perfect opportunity to call Jehovah out on his bullsh1t and he never did.
He came as the Truth, to show the Truth of God. He came as the Word of God. Not to point to something else as being the word of God.
It is very simple. Look to Christ to see God. Not the Israelites (often hard-hearted, who needed the law written on stone tablets because the law could not be written upon their hearts) Not the law (lying pen of the scribes, and also given due to those hard hearts). Not Moses (who prophecies that we are to listen to the One who comes after him) Not the scriptures (which make no such statement about themselves). Not the bible (which is not even one book, much less claiming to be inerrant)
Just Christ.
The fact is you and many other Christian religions are drawing your faith from the same source,
The fact is that many are doing no such thing. Else there would not be so many divisions.
just the fact that you have your own interpretation of that source - which differs from so many other mainstream Christian faiths - that only parts of the bible are true, proves my point. How can you definitively prove that your right, and they are wrong.
I cannot prove it.
I can back it up. Christ is the Truth, the Image, the Word of God. God said to listen to Him. I mean those, and a few others, are plain as day. But apparently too simple for some people to accept. "By their fruits", is one way you could recognize them. Love, mercy, forgiveness, etc.
But Christ is the one who will gather those who belong to Him, and turn away those who claim to belong to Him, but whom HE never knew. Until then, one can only follow Him (or whatever else they choose to follow, and leave the rest TO Him)
Gods message is unclear and confusing, and that is why there are so many interpretations and problems that stem from this confusion about what god wants.
God's message is clear. Listen to my Son.
That Son states Himself why there are so many who do not come to Him (because men loved the darkness, and refuse to come into the light so that the darkness in them would be revealed).
There are also so many false christs out there (wts); calling people to them. Far too many people listen to them instead. I was one of those people. When i ended my study with the wts, I went and searched and searched for what religion had/was the truth. But of course... Christ is the Truth, and one need only follow Him. People also twist the law to justify what they want to do. If one is so busy lying even to oneself, then how hard must it be for them to hear/recognize the Truth, when He calls?
Christ looked at the OT as truth, the OT was good enough for him, why isn't it for you?
A) I have never been under the law. The law is a tutor to Christ. I am under Him, and His teachings.
B) Christ did not look at the OT as truth. You have no reason to think this. He corrected things from the law, and revealed the Truth instead. "You have heard it said, but i tell you now..."
C) Christ is the TRUTH. So how would he have looked at something else as the truth? Something that He did correct. Something that itself states 'the lying pen of the scribes has handled the law falsely'? He did not tell people to look at the law. He told people to come to HIM for life. In fact, he stated that clearly. "You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you have eternal life, but these are the scriptures that testify to ME, and yet you refuse to come to ME for Life."
D) The OT is not one book.
E) Translations and copying, etc, are not inerrant. (again, woe to you scribes)
Perhaps this will jog your memory.
Do you think that those are the first or last instance that someone used God's name to demand that others go to war and utterly destroy one's enemies? How much of that was true, how much was exaggerated, how much was based on what had been done to them or was threatened as being done to them as well? How much was merely a product of the brutality of the times and choices that man had made up to that point?
But again, if you want to know the Truth, look at Christ. Look at what He taught. By word and by deed. He did not teach against mercy, but rather he taught to show mercy. He did not teach anyone to go to war; just the opposite. He did not teach to curse one's enemies, but to bless them, to clothe or feed them if they were in need.
He is the Truth of His Father. His teachings, He learned from His Father. His words, taught by His Father.