Disgusting characters in the Bible. Know any?

by punkofnice 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • glenster
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    It's so hard to choose...I don't even know where to begin.

    I think most that I find disgusting have been mentioned already on this thread.

  • still thinking
    still thinking


  • ThisFellowCheap

    If the Bible were a character, I'd find him/her very disgusting! Had to get the guy off my library because It was corrupting and bullying the other more useful books!!

  • zeb

    Paul. I became so sick of hearing those words.. "The apostle Paul.." I even said to someone we should be called the Followers of Paul as he is quoted so much. It was all about authority authority etc.

  • cantleave

    I would never class the devil as a disgusting bible character. Just very much maligned and misunderstood!

  • punkofnice

    All brilliant answers. Wish I had time to reply to you all.

    What aboult John the so called writer of Revelation. Trippy or what?

    Revelation is just a load of psychadelic tripe that religions/cults have had a whale of a time with. I blame him for the crap about 'armageddon(TM)'.

  • mP
  • mP


    Noah wakes up, finds out what happened and what does this asshole do? Apologize for getting so drunk he passes out naked? Nope. He curses Canaan, the son of Ham to be a slave to his uncles. WTF? Canaan wasn't even involved. His father Ham told his brothers about Noah being naked, not Canaan. Why not punish himself for getting so drunk? And if he's a little embarrassed, it's his own damn fault.


    THe ancients believed in tribal or group guilt. THey were so violent that they kept fighting aganst each other because some body 1000 years stole someones chicken. We can see this in the Bible in both positive and negative forms. Take Israel they are chosen not because they are good people which they may well be, but solely because they happened to be realted to Abraham. The inverse is also true of their neighbours who are cursed simply for having the wrong ancestor, (cant anyone say racism is not in the BIble).

    The sin xians talk about is an extension of this, we are supposedly blamed for what Adam did. Imagine if that logic was repeated in our countries today!?

    If we examine history the same group punishment was used by people like Hitler to terrorist communities and countries. By making everyone guilty everyone makes sure everyone else doesnt cause trouble. I recall the incident wher ethe Czechs killed some top local Nazi guy and the nazis executed a few hundred local men for not stopping the assassins.

    Its of course not a surprise thatone monster (Hitler) learnt from another totalitarian monster(Jehovah) terror tactics. I dont know if Hitler ever read the BIble but you can find many of his ideas taken from there, an adapted for his environment.

  • punkofnice

    mP -

    The ancients believed in tribal or group guilt.

    Hmmmmm. Why do JW leaders spring to mind?

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