I forgot to mention this, supposedly from the bible they were
enslave in Egypt between 200-300 years. Something don,t
don,t add up.
by humbled 50 Replies latest watchtower bible
I forgot to mention this, supposedly from the bible they were
enslave in Egypt between 200-300 years. Something don,t
don,t add up.
I actually haven't research anything on this - I remember recalling a doccie regarding artifacts in the red sea and what may have looked like a chariots wheel - I never followed up on it.
There would surely be archeological evidence of such a move - one need only trace their journey and see if there is "stuff" lying buried - with such a huge contingency of people they were bound to leave something behind.
It's not a huge thing for me whether or not it actually happened as I don't take the bible literal anyhow. I view Egypt as the religious world and ones journey out of it as enlightenment. Leave Egypt and it's falsehoods behind.
I actually haven't research anything on this - I remember recalling a doccie regarding artifacts in the red sea and what may have looked like a chariots wheel - I never followed up on it.
Thats hardly definitive proof of Moses entire story.
If they captured people from the land of Canaan (Canaanites) and brought them to Egypt and eventually release them.
Thats simply untrue, nearly every modern scholar accepts taht the Pyramids were built by freemen. There are many docos that show grafitti upon the stones and quarries where each team has signed their name because they are proud of their national project. Open any book about the pyramids and you can find this sort of info.
Many years ago when I was younger I watched BBC docu/programme about the story of Joseph and whether or not there was any merit to it. There was, lots. It was a very good series/program. There was also a book written, which I did have. So long ago I forget what it was though.
I do remember there was a statue/figure head of Joseph as he had become such a prominent figure in Egypt. It was defaced. It was commaon to try and remove everything from public record about negative eventds. Like spin doctoring, bury the truth.
I alos recall a while back I was puzzled about something Biblical.
That it was foretold (to Abraham ? ) that his offspring (the nation) would be enslaved. I couldn't figure out the 400yrs.
why was there a gap? why did God go from being in direct contact with Abraham and then just dissapear for 400 yrs.
If for this period of 400 yrs the Hebrews were suffering in slavery. For what purpose ?
When I dug about into it I found out that they were actually only in slavery for a 'generation'. 100 or 150 yrs. They held prominence, they weren't in slavery and the numbers grew.
Then the new Pharoah who got concerned about their numbers, enslaved them. Until their cries got so loud God heard them and set them free.
The 400 yrs started ?. ( as a nation God was started to form as His people )But my memory fails me as to exactly when it did, sorry.
Sure. Heaps of people. I'm not one of them.
I've never seen any secular, or archaelogical evidence to support the Bible's version of this great series of events . These people are supposed to have spent 40 years wandering in the desert and nobody has found so much as a broken pot that they might have tossed out. It's as real as Jehovah living in the Pleades.
Moses story says they spent nearly 38 or so years out of the 40 in one place an oasis and archeologists have been looking there for over 50 years and have found nothing. The outrageous claims of 3 million people in a place that small just doesnt add up.
I highly recommend reading The Bible Unearthed. I really enjoyed it and it does a great job of looking at what archaeology reveals about Israel's early history. As MP noted above there is little to no evidence of a mass of people being in the described locations. It also shows that in those days places like Jericho and Jericho weren't major landmarks, and many occasions where the best archaeological evidence available tells a very different story to that of the first few books of the bible.
I like readings lots of different things to hear different points of view, and I this was most excellent.
MP - never said it was - and please take my whole comment into context.
LOL, the Passover is just a ritual held in Spring in the Northern Hemisphere on the night of the full moon. It probably always existed in some form for thousands of years before it was written into the Jewish scrolls in the time of King Josiah or whoever.
There are some similarities in the tales of the Israelites and the Sea People and the Hyksos
I think it's a borrowed history, tbh it has to be because what is in the bible never happened that way.