SOmehow i think part of the answer for Judaic monolarity not monotheism, is they shared the land with the Canaanites which of course had their own gods and goddesses. Since these communities were very close, there was nothing stopping jews for going to that church for some fun and sex instad of coming to the levite equivalent. Temple in those days was quite different form now, they all had prostitutes male and female, food and sacrifices. Nobody read books or listened to lectures for hours. Judea was also humble, i guess the competition took too much business away from the levites. The people were poor and they werent getting enough of the small share that was left. We can see the centralisation in Jerusalem is further consolidation. Its madness to think how unpractical it is for the entire nation to travel to that one spot to pay their dues. Travel in those days was tough, walking for days and so on. Even today that sort of drive would be a major inconvenience and costly. The limited technology of those times further magnifies the totalitarianism of their mindset. Everything is about them for their advantage and who gives a shit about the poor jew. No wonder most stayed in Babylon rather than return to rebuild Jersualem and Judea when they were let free.
Also given praying to Jehovah didnt help when it really mattered, you cant blame the peasents for going to closer more practical gods.
I think the story of Egypt is trying to say that the Jews are the continuation of Egypt. The greatness of Egypt is really theirs. They even copied circumcision which was reserved just for Pharoah and the upper elites and applied it to the nation. Of course that stupid talisman doesnt actually change anything but as a good luck charm maybe it made them feel better. Even in the NT we hear of Jesus going to Egypt. Little is said but some say this is to get an education. Egypt was a major center of learning back in those days.