The Exodus and the ten plagues actually happened. After the 10 plagues Akhenaten converted to monotheism and even became a high priest of Yahweh. The writings of Akhenaten have been compared to the writings of David in the Psalms!
Aten was a loving creator God who gave life to the smallest of things. That is very much the inspiration we find in the Psalams. So it could be argued, though the details of worship were different, that this was the same God concept, that is, the monotheist benevolent creator God.l
On the other hand, had there been no religious refocus at all during the reign of Akhenaten, the naysayers would be asking WHY DIDN'T THE 10 PLAGUES IMPACT RELIGIOUS LIFE IN EGYPT? WHY DIDN'T THEY BECOME MONOTHEISTS LIKE THE JEWS?
Then I'd have to come up with some excuse trying to explain why this had zero impact on Egyptian religious life. I mean, something like the ten plagues should have shown up at some level in the ancient historical record, right? Certainly.
But guess what, it did! The next pharaoh completely got the message and became high priest to the new living God! The later ruling pharaoahs were so embarrassed they wanted to wipe out every trace of his existence!
Bottom line is, what actually happened, is a textbook expectation of what would have happened if the 10 plagues actually occurred, which they did!
But now you see a very good reason why anti-Bible archaeologists and historians don't want people to follow the Bible's timeline or to discover the revisions the Persians made in the timeline! Because once you correct the NB timeline, then the Exodus is going to occur at the time of Akhenaten and everybody will know the 10 plagues actually happened. Right now, the timeline distorts the Exodus by about 54-60 years. The false eclipse of 763 BCE rather than 709 BCE is used to date the Assyrian Period. When the VAT4956 reduces the NB timeline by 57 years, then the 709 BCE eclipse will date the Assyrian Period and it will down-date David and Solomon to where they belong. All the massive buildings at Megiddo are dated now by archaeology and C14 dating to the "early 9th century" (900-867 BCE). Solomon is now misdated to 970-930 BCE. When the eclipse is corrected, his rule moves down to 910-870 BCE, proving he is the king who built those massive palaces around israel and the works at Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor. But that will also mean the Exodus will be confirmed during the reign of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten. When we look into that reign, we find lots of evidence the Exodus and the 10 plagues occurred at this time! That's bad news for the anti-Bible Freemasons out there, trying to convince the world the Bible is not true history. But it's too late now.
Anyway, Freemasons and the anti-Biblical establishment like the WTS benefit from the ignorance of those they are deceiving. They go out of their way to keep them in the dark. So at this point, those who have bothered to inform themselves, skipping past the propaganda of lying archaeoloogists, get a confirmation not only of the chronology but of evidence like Akhenaten confirming the 10 plagues. So they are impressed with the Bible. Those who are insistent upon being deceived and who love darkness think the this really didn't happen and they like thinking that since otherwise, they would have to deal with the reality of God and they don't want to face that, no more than any devoted witness wants to face the WTS is now a false prophet!
It seems as though this is like 10 peole in a dark room, most of them have their eyes closed and a few of them have their eyes open. When the lights get turned on, those with their eyes closed still think its dark and they are in a dark room. That's all that is going on. Peole look for things to reassure themselves the Bible is not true and avoid anything that even hints that the Bible is true history.