My advice would be to stop diagnosing people with problems without having met them.
How do I as a future "Therapist" help ex-jws that won't move on from the WT?
by booker-t 84 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I think that possibly most of us as Jws, and now Ex Jws are caring people. As Jws we percieved people as needing help, we did what we thought was best at the time with the information we had.
Possibly the same thing now, we spend time helping lurkers take that step into reality and into real life, what's left of it anyways.
If I leveridge my time into helping others, and they do the same, more and more people will have an easier time waking up and getting out as they will see that their are masses of people that are here and are caring for them.
I value human life as I feel that this is the only life we will ever experience. Whether it was me or another person entrapped by the WTBTS I feel a burning pain to do what I can to help them out of that mess. To recognize this and to just walk away from those in need, to me is tantamount to what Danmerdinglebum said about the burning building and not helping people get out. Imagine getting out of quicksand and then turning around and seeing others still struggling to get out and just walking away and saying " Am I glad I got out of that mess, keep up the struggle guys, some of you might make it, see yah if you do"
Also I actually get a feeling of relief when I see a new person posting for the first time as I know another life has been released from the prison.
label licker
I don't know, that's like asking why from a child and seeing my brother crack his head open, living and dying at eleven(parents refused a blood transfusion) at a children's hospital, father an elder doing disgusting things to his kids and beating our mother up like stabbing a fork in her neck because his tea was too cold, trying to make sense of it all so I decide to come back into the religion forty yrs later and still can't put the pieces together until I came across this sight that answered it all. And now I have peace of mind. There's no way I could just move on and block what I had seen in my childhood or block all the damage society had done.
I look forward every week seeing Blondies comments, JW Facts, Cedars ect,,, I look forward to helping others who have similar experiences or them helping me.
I am glad you have moved on but forgive me if I come across stupid or harsh but with what you have accomplished, shouldn't you be a little kinder and try and help some one here who can't afford a therapist that might get the help that's needed from your words alone? Someone who didn't have it quite like you or know how to achieve the accomplishments you have done? There are some who don't even know where to begin with setting goals or moving on. This might be their jolt every morning to starting their day.
We share the same planet, why not the same sites? How else can we live with one another, helping others to cope without a fee attatched? Stay on board. This can only add to what you are learning and in return helping others.
How can one "move on" if a large amount of their extended family particularly their parents' are jws? I have family members very dear to me who are jws. They can talk to me because I was never baptised. I would love to "move on" but I keep getting slapped in the face with it. Not as bad as others on this board perhaps but it is still a reality in my life as it is with many many others on this board. Best we can do is try to balance caring for those we lovestill in, try to insulate ourselves and deal with it.
move on, yeah right.
I just don't know how I could help ex-jws that just won't move on.
I would imagine that if they were coming to see you they would be wanting to heal, so I don't think they would be resistant to your help. In other words, I don't think someone going to see a "Therapist" would refuse to "move on." By the way, "move on" sounds so dismissive. It sounds like you are saying their issues are not that big of a deal and that they would be fine if they wanted to.
How would a therapist help? first of all by not minimising the person's feelings and struggles.
Then, I would imagine you would help them the same way you would help anyone who was recovering from a years-long or life-long trauma.
Or the same way you would help someone who was recovering from years long or life long emotional and pychological abuse.
Or the same way you would help someone who was recovering from PTSD.
We are just people, like any others.
The thereapist - know more than everyone and is an expert, she has learned these things. WHERE FROM.
How can ayone even have a clue if they have lived it/experienced it. And therapists KNOW talking therapy is good for the person.
it's not physical, its emotional and mental. you cant put a plaster over it and just say there there. You don't say it to a child who was abused, they suffered trauma. So why would it be ok to take the same attitude and say it to an adult, that was abused, mentally, emotionally, and in some other cases much worse.
It is only when people can stand up and tell the truth and have someone listen to them, can they even begin to start dealing with things. if you haven't endured it you will never understand. I would be considered half baked, not full into it big time jw. I was always on the fringes, but very in mentally and emotionally. thankfully I found this here, I was on my way back in !! wish I knew 20 yrs ago. Our lives would be different. It's not about blaming anyone, it's about learning how to overcome what you have suffered.
Selfish people who have no fellow love for man, will trample all over you to get to their goals. Kind people help you get up if you fall down. Kind people have feelings of empathy, conscience, guilt, duty.
I am a psychotherapist, born in and out for 27 years. There is a lot of questions you are asking, but it seems you want to make it all disappear with the cover of one blanket. Doesn't work that way. For instance myself.... If the JW were just some business that bushed my life briefly, yea I could just dismiss it and never even remember anything about it after a year. The fact is the Printing company became more of a parent than my parents, it was a parent to my parents. A dependency was created that was so strong that my own mother could not think for herself. How is a child to think if his own parents teach that thinking is wrong? And that is just one facet, there are hundreds more.
May I suggest if you are seriously considering being a therapist to undergo therapy yourself. You will learn more than any book or class can teach you. Also it seems from your post, that helping JW is your primary focas. That too, in it's own way, is keeping you from letting go of the JW and moving on completely, if that is actually possible. My ears will always, for the rest of my life, perk up if I hear the words JW, KH, society, organization, worldly, etc... and that is because the Printing Company became intwined with my identification of a parent and of my parents and thus myself. As you probably know, there are worse things in the mental health community other than the trama of leaving the JWs, but it does not make any less tramatic for the patient.
James Brown
How do I as a future "Therapist" help ex-jws that won't move on from the WT
The answer to the above is :"When the student is ready, the teacher appears."
If they are not ready they cant move on.
Then again maybe we will always carry some JW baggage all our days on earth.
Some are carrying big bags and some are carrying little folders.
In my case, 30 years out of the tower my Samsonite luggage ensemble has become a few small folders
that fit in my file cabinet.
But then again maybe, I only have small folders because of mans ability to condense and compact information.
Is it just me who sees "The rapist" in "Therapist", what does that mean?
Well if that works for you good, some of us would rather not move on just yet, because we have an unfinished business account with this Corporation.