bookerT - congratulations on your degrees and your hard work. Like Roberta and a few others here, I also am a psychotherapist with a masters in psychology, and I am working on the requirements to register as a psychologist in my province. You are probably just reaching the practicum portion of your studies, and hopefully it will give you the opportunity to practice being the client, thus receiving helpful therapy yourself. That was the beginning of my own healing from JWs, and it is what drew me to the ex-JW community in the first place.
My favorite form of therapy is groups. There is powerful magic that occurs when groups of people who have shared a traumatic experience undergo therapy together. The groups here not only offer mutual support and understanding, but a wealth of knowledge that we need to help us deprogram years (often a lifetime) of dysfunctional thinking.
Each person must heal in their own way and at their own time. "Moving on" is not black and white. Some can walk away without a thought. Others move on, yet need to remain active for a whole range of reasons. Many are here because moving on for them means helping others and supporting exiting JWs by saying *gasp* the same stuff over and over.
Becoming an effective therapist takes time, too. I come from an existential therapy perspective, and I believe that you grow and learn with every client. Every person you engage with in therapy changes you, too. I also believe that my background has taught me important things that I can use to help others, and it sounds like you are trying to translate your learning into practical ways to help the ex-JW community, too.