Shiver Me Timbers I Gots a Bible Study Matey!

by RayPublisher 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    riddle, I think the argument the WT uses against Hitler being resurrected is that he was working against God's organization and spirit when he was persecuting the JW's and never repented, like Paul did.

  • Steve_C

    Thought I'd bump this thread, today being National Talk Like A Pirate Day and all.

    And for those on your pirate gift list, how about this beauty? And, it's more carpal tunnel sydrome for our hook-handed friends!

  • perfect1

    how did i Miss this gem of a thread the first time around! Thanks for bumping!

    stillin you made me LOL.


    Does Blackbeard realize that he won't get any "booty" after he is resurrected?! Arrrrrr....eternal celibate life is the life for me matey!

  • Nosferatu

    Screw Pirates. I wanna pet lions with Hitler.

  • Apognophos

    Bumping because it's one of my favorite threads.

  • 2+2=5

    Bumping this timely reminder from our Heavenly Father.

    It's important to reflect on the resurrection hope where we will be reunited with pirates. Peg legs and hooks will be done away with and scurvy will be no more. Because of the infinite fruit platters.

  • freddo

    New revised bible study aid for pirates after Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrmageddon.

    What does the Bible really teach Edward Teach?

    Study conductor: "Welcome to paradise Mr. Teach!"

    Blackbeard: "Huh? I was fightin' on the poop deck me hearty and someone lopped off me 'ead! Yet it's back on my body like a good'un!"

    Study conductor: "Yes Mr. Teach! You have been restored to good health - the Royal Navy is no more and me and little Jonny are assigned to study the bible with you and restore you to everlasting life."

    Blackbeard: "Arrrrrr! That sounds good me landlubbers! Now where's me treasure?"

    Study conductor: "Well (laughing nervously) it's been replaced by "Treasures from God's Word!"

    Blackbeard: "Now don't you play games with me! Where's me treasure?"

    Study conductor: "Look why don't we tidy you up and shave off your beard and then I can show you this new fashionable item we all wear - it's called a necktie ... then we can search for spiritual gems ... "

    Blackbeard: "Whaaaaaat!!??"

  • Darkknight757
    Shiver me timbers, where's his beard arrrrg!!!
  • SafeAtHome
    How embarrassing to have to place this with the public. But I guess they have to do something to keep the children interested.

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