The CO 'encourages' Julia to meet with THREE elders- the latest episode in the best-selling drama, The Fade of Julia Orwell.

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    My Sparky and Snakey came over once and put the loyalty questions: that was after I stepped down, went away for a month and then just never went to a meeting again - a rapid fade. I'd been missing for about three months by the time they came around and put their questions: I went around and around in circles and ended up not answering: they knew it and Snakey told me so. He was trying to strike, but I kept dodging - do you remember the red bellied black snake that just missed Steve Irwin's face? That was me and my Snakey.

    Later my Sparky phoned up and asked if he and Snakey could come around again. I said sure, be nice to see you but I have nothing religious to discuss.

    That was the end of it. I never heard from them again.

    Years later I came in contact with an elder who know who I was: I told him I didn't believe in God. He said he could understand how that made it hard to accept the FDS, Watchtower Society etc. I agreed. It was all fairly amicable and nothing bad happened.

    I've been clear of them ever since.

    Good luck. But, really, once you're past the stage you're at and down the track a couple of years, I'm not sure what difference it makes if you're DA, DF or just faded to pale. Family etc will treat you however they choose to and many tend toward shunning anyone not going along with it all.

  • outsmartthesystem

    I agree with Satanus. There ARE some good hearted COs and elders out there. But make no mistake. They are company men. The need to protect the organization pervades even the most sincere of hearts.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    A CO by HIMSELF? That is definitely working around the 'rules' of the GB. But I know every country does things differently.

    If I was in your husband's shoes [Which I have been with elders and my family myself] I would be really upset that they usurp your husband's headship to talk to you. You can always tell them that they will have to wait and talk to him. That's what NE told the elder's that called a month ago on a conference call. They've left 2 messages since then, but we haven't heard from them since.

    Also, if no one applies MT 18 and comes to talk to you, then you have the right to tell them until that person/accuser does then you WILL NOT discuss it and it is NOT a congregation matter!!

    That's the biggest problem with MT 18, nobody, especially the elders wants to apply it! The elders could relieve themselves of so much work & problems if they would just tell the blabber mouths that they need to go apply MT 18 before coming to the elders. 99% of the time it would be dropped and the elders could enjoy the time with their family's. But elder's as we all know, LOVE their Ecclesiastical authority!!! So they are willing to sidestep that entire MT 18 policy.

    Affectionately Brother of the Hawk [I will surrender my mind no more, forever]

  • franticfran

    "I am realy sorry thats how YOU perceived it" see how they turn the whole thing back on you! It couldnt posssibly be tham at fault! Makes me so angry. No No the problem does not lie with you Julia,the problem lies with them. You know if I realy cared about someone,there is no way I would make them feel worse,I would have said "No No its all down to me" Oh dont get me started.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If they don't think Jehovah's Witnesses are a dangerous mind-control cult, then they have no reason to be worried that you "like" someone/something that helps people who are in cults.

    Not only 3, but I firmly suggest you further avoid 2 elders or an elder with anyone else. They don't have what they need so they will be looking for you to say things and confirm them by ear-witness.

    Good job keeping the C.O. at a distance.

  • punkofnice

    There are many lovely and genuine Jws but they are still largely under mind control and must obey the holy watchtower(R).

    I think snake has now 'encouraged'(TM) them to start the hounding.

    Smithers. Release the hounds...............

  • WingCommander

    Haha! This assclown of a CO gave himself away right off the bat with this very telling statement,

    "And I've come to you today because we really love you. I haven't come because it's procedure, but because I really care about you and Hubby"

    He gave himself away right there. He IS coming to you because he IS following procedure, and trying to lure you into a JC with 3 Elders to DF you. You probably didn't pick up on it right away because of your ill state, etc. This guy is all "crocodile smiles".

    You did good to deflect his invitation and totally dismiss his "concerns". F'em!

    - Wing Commander

  • cobaltcupcake

    Holy housecoat, Batman! What barefaced presumptuousness to keep you at the door when you're obviously not feeling well and try to pin you down to "meet" with the elders. "Rude" doesn't even begin to cover it.

  • yourmomma

    this is why my policy is do not answer the door or phone, period.

  • rubadubdub

    Julia Orwell, Nicely played! Now disengage completely.

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