The CO 'encourages' Julia to meet with THREE elders- the latest episode in the best-selling drama, The Fade of Julia Orwell.

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    He's blindsided by the fact the JWs helped him get off drugs and brought stability to his life, and he's grateful to them because that's how he met me.

    That is nice and something he can be grateful for. Over time though you can introduce him to experiences from other religions that have taken people from drugs, cleaned up their lives, provided them with family. There are plenty on the net. I found it very revealing that JWs were just like so many other religions in that regard, and it really opened me up to realising the fallacy of there being one true religion.

  • Satanus

    ' JWs helped him get off drugs and brought stability to his life, and he's grateful to them because that's how he met me. '

    If jws helped a person in some way, a person could take the view of them as one might grade school. In each grade, we learn stuff and meet people, make friends. Many of these things can be w us for the rest of our lives. However, we don't want to stay in the same grade or even in the same school for yrs on end, forget for the rest of our lives. We want to take what we learn to become more capable to make our ways in the world.

    I see churches the same way. They generally, don't want you to leave them, iether. For me, though, i took what helped me and moved on. I can now, make my way, spiritually, without any church's help, or that of jesus (if he exists).

    The jw org is extreme in attempting to hold people. It is like the needy, controling mother that cripples its children. The job of the 'spiritual' teacher is to point the seeker in the right direction. If the teacher makes a slave of the seeker, it is abuse, generally.


  • gone for good
    gone for good

    P****charmant -


    Posting stupidity on here won't help that.

  • SkyGreen

    "princecharmant"?? Hardly a prince with that comment. People come here for support and advise, not that kind of sarcasm. I dont think Julia is getting any kind of "kicks" out of this, she is probably just as relieved as I was to find an online community where she could uburden herself and not feel so alone. Her story is helpful to others here, even if its not to you, please dont discourage her.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yeah, thanks SkyGreen! I wonder what sort of kicks Prince gets from saying stuff like that? Not that I care that much. He's entitled to his opinion as we all are. If he doesn't like my writing, that's up to him.

    @satanus: good analogy about primary school and spiritual teacher-facilitator/vs spiritual enslavement. I might bring that point up with him down the track some time :)

    @JWFacts: at the right time, I will introduce hubby to another Christian group. I must complete my fade first and wait for things to die down. I have been planting seeds though: I just read a book called Escaping North Korea by Mike Kim, and it's about how these Christians risk their lives on the NK/China border to help NK refuges, people they've never even met. They feed and medicate the people, teach them, help them find jobs, help them seek asylum, operate orphanages, rescue NK trafficking victims, and infiltrate NK to bring food to communities. The message from the book is clear that these people risk their lives to help the North Koreans because they love them- people who they've never met! Some of them get killed, tortured or imprisoned for helping the North Koreans. It's making an impression on hubby, and I'm encouraging him to read the book. Then he can see that JWs can't hold a candle to those guys. It was actually a book that got me thinking about WT's claims of being the only loving religion when I first read it last year.

  • likeabird

    I came across this christian organization the other day which does really good work called 'Feed My Starving Children'

    Just seeing the pictures on their facebook pages you can see the good they are doing.

    Edited to add: On their website they have a long list of distribution partners, the majority of these also being christian organizations.

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