Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page"..

by OUTLAW 447 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cantleave

    Force added is a misnomer!

    People were added by friends who thought that they would be interested in joining the group.

    Why do you keep referring to it as AWAA instead of AAWA?
    Or is there really a AWAA bogus group too?....StoneWall

    Thanks Stonewall..

    I must be friggin dislexic..LOL!!..

    Yes I mean AAWA.. Sorry about that..

    ....................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Dagney

    Sadly the majority of people who complain seem to be doing very little in either supporting those exiting or exposing the WTS for the cult it is.

    What is the factual basis for this comment?

  • NomadSoul

    Cantleave is right. You can only be added by friends. When it comes to privacy if it's CLOSE group you can only see it if you're friends are part of the group.

    If it was OPEN then all your friends can see it.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "What of them? If someone is added, then no non-members can see that they are a member.

    For example, imagine you and your local Service Overseer are both mistakenly added. He sees you are a member - but there is nothing he would realistically do against you judicially because he is also a member, and therefore in the exact same predicament.


    Ohh no no, please, tell me. Cedars can't be that stupid. It's not possible. At least I hope so.

    An inactive JW/fader doesn'ät have the same credibility in a JC as an active service overseer. Dream on...the fader wuold be without a chanse in a JC.

  • jgnat

    How about this scenario. A fading JW has "Friended" JW's. Without their knowledge, they are added as well as their friends (friends of friends) to a closed group. This sort of invitation is possible in Facebook. The group has "activist" in the name. The active Witnesses react in typical horror, take note of the culprit, remove themselves from the group licketysplit, and "out" the fader. Unfriending all around.

  • HintOfLime
    What I am trying to do is find evidence that faders who mistakenly were joined to our group are currently at risk. So far there is none.

    Didn't fuzzywiglet point out that because people were added without concent, and even now might not know they are in the group, that their name is now made available to everyone inside the group - including people who may not genuinely be ex-JWs.

    They have still had their name put on a list of exjw's without their knowledge.

    That is more than 'no risk' like you would like to think. There is still the risk that a JW mole was invited into the group and could take the names of those who are unknowingly in the group.

    - Lime

  • cantleave

    you can not invite friends of friends....

  • cantleave

    If you are added you recieve a notification.

  • soontobe

    So my SO is in a predicament? How incredibly flippant.

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