i think i found a church

by unstopableravens 166 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    Found this nice commentary on a website:

    Finally, it must be considered that Jesus did, in fact, speak against homosexuality. On numerous occasions, Jesus condemned the sins of adultery (Matthew 19:18), sexual immorality (Matthew 19:9) and fornication (Matthew 15:19). These terms describe any type of sexual intercourse that is not within the confines of a marriage ordained by God. Jesus then proceeded to define exactly what God views as a morally permissible marriage. He stated:

    Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate (Matthew 19:4-6).

    By defining marriage as between one male and one female, Jesus effectively condemned all other arrangements, including but not limited to one man and two women, one woman and two men, three men and one woman, three men and three women, one man and one man, one woman and one animal, etc. You can see the overwhelming logic of such. For Jesus to have to explicitly condemn every assortment of genders and numbers would be absurd. When He defined marriage between one man and one woman, He clearly showed that such an arrangement is the only one authorized by God.

    Several years ago a man named Cory Moore “legally married his 2004 Cherry ES-335” Gibson guitar (“Man Marries Guitar,” 2007). He said: “The day I got her, I just knew she was the one…. I know it seems weird, but I really love her—like, really love her, with all my heart. I just wanted to make it official” (2007). Are we to conclude that because Jesus never specifically condemned a man marrying his guitar then the Son of God approved of such? To ask is to answer. In 2006, 41-year-old Sharon Tendler married a dolphin (“Woman Marries Dolphin,” 2006). Jesus never said one word explicitly about refraining from marrying a dolphin. Does that mean His “silence” should be viewed as approval? Not in any way.

    Homosexuality is a sin. It always has been, and it always will be.

  • 144001

    <<<< Homosexuality is a sin. It always has been, and it always will be.>>>>

    Narrow-mindedness, ignorance and intolerance are the real sins . . .

  • unstopableravens

    fhm: thats what it comes down to whats a persons final authority, to a jw its the wt, to others its there own view or morals, ill take the bible ,your are right there are many scarey things in the bible and whats more scracy is that its true!

  • unstopableravens

    144001 its not ignorance, god sets the standards and to believe and preach that is not rude or ignorant or intolarnt, its very loving to tell someone the truth.

  • LisaRose

    Well, you are in entitled to your opinion, but comparing the relationship two men may have each other to a person in love with his guitar is ridiculous.There are all kind of odd people in the world who obseess over physical things, even feeling they love that thing, but you are comparing the love of an inanimate object to two human beings loving each other, it's apples and oranges. Do you actually know any gay couples? I do, and the love they feel for each other is just as real the love I feel for my husband, they are just as committed to each other. To compare what they have to someone loving an inanimate object is insulting.

    The bible may be a great book, but it was written thousands of years ago, it reflects the standards of the era. I respect it, but I do not agree with everything it says. Of course you are entitled to believe what you want and teach what you want in your church, but you should really educate yourself about this issue before you make arguments like this. There is a thread on JWN by a homosexual man who struggled for years coming to terms with his orientation. He loved Jehovah, he loved the religion and he loved his family. His anguish over this issue was heart rendering. No matter how hard he tried,no matter how much he prayed, no matter how much he went door to door, he was gay. For anyone to think for a moment that this was a choice on his part is crazy.

    Even if you feel homosexuality is a sin, you, as a Christian, should learn more about the subject and show some compassion. As Jesus said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Perry, he still does not mention specifically men and men and women and kind of reltionships. Paul mentions them, but Christ does not. Huge thing that makes you go hmmm, or should anyway. The thing is, if you believe in the concept of sin, then a homosexual person is no more of a sinner than anyone else. And don't we all need encouragement? Isn't that why most people go to church? Why would anyone deny anyone else the comfort of church? ANYONE.

    I believe Christ would be a lot more concerned that we be kind to each other, to the animal kingdom and to earth than he is about whom we love. Love is the most important concept there is.

    As for the Bible being scary and you saying that the scary parts are true, with a god like that, who needs Satan?

  • Butterflyleia85

    I'm a fan of FlyingHighNow and jgnat... nicely said ladies.

    Caliber... you make a good point as well... I am glad to see scriptures to back up statements.

    (just reading... and learning here)

  • 144001

    <<<< 144001 its not ignorance, god sets the standards and to believe and preach that is not rude or ignorant or intolarnt, its very loving to tell someone the truth.>>>>

    Since the beginning of time, man has rationalized despicable behavior by attributing it to compliance with "god's" standards. Nevetheless, it's quite clear that man both wrote the bible and created the god referenced therein. Therefore, it's not "god's" standards, but man's questionable representations as to what "god's" standards are that you are referring to. And those bogus standards form the foundation for bigots masquerading as pious theists.

  • unstopableravens

    144001, seems you have to rationalize that its mans word not gods, and thats the foundation where same sex is okay. if god is the creator than he has the right to make the standards.

  • cofty
    if god is the creator than he has the right to make the standards.

    He isn't and therefore he doesn't.

    Narrow minded people make up rules and then claim to be speaking for god.

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