i think i found a church

by unstopableravens 166 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    What I look for in a church: I am a spirit of the law, rather than letter of the law person. It is important to me that a church not be legalistic. It's important to me that a church realizes that it's place is to inspire people, rather than push and pressure them to take a higher road in life. I like a beautiful, moving service with uplifting music and inspirational, thought provoking sermons. I like having communion, with real wine, when I go to a Eucharist. I like having a priest. I like having a spiritual mother or father.

    I am going to attend the Unitarian/Universal church in the near future. And I'm going to check out Mars Hill, Rob Bell's church and another mega, non-denom church in the area, just to see the approach they take. When I was a child, my mother encouraged visiting other churches and reading about other religions like Hinduism. She never used God to shame or scare or manipulate us. Our church never used God to shame, scare or manipulate us. So for me, I'm not comfortable in a church who is very black and white about life and God.

    I also don't feel church attendance is necessary, as in your life depends on it. Nature is as moving to me as a beautiful, inspiring church service.

  • unstopableravens

    fhn: yeah im the opposite of some of that, i believe jesus is the only way to the father, and i believe without the new birth there is no salvation, i dont believe in going through preist , jesus is my high preist my mediator,imho rob bell is like many others who do not hold strickly to gods word, i do agree going to church can not save you,

  • LV101

    EP --- now, I dunno, just going on what I've heard/read but you're indicating a follower of Jesus (preacher/minister) is to be self-supporting yet what about the disciples/Jesus staying with friends being fed and housed. Is this not support?

    There's some very wealthy preachers out there and it's interesting.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Just to clarify, the priest in an episcopal church isn't there as a mediator. They don't teach that you have to go through the priest.

  • LisaRose

    ou belong to a church and you are getting something out of it, why wouldn't you contribute?

    EP: I belong to several organizations I get things out of that don't require paying a salary. We all contribute.

    If I choose to attend church, I accept that there are expences involved in it, and I expect to pay for those. I am getting something out of it, so I don't mind. If I didnt think it was worth it, I wouldnt go. You could set it up differently, like a small group meeting in homes, with no paid clergy, but that would be a different experience. And in that case, you would be contributing by your time and use of the home, this is just a different way of doing it. I find I enjoy the church experience, I feel it is worth it.

    I looked at the budget for the church my husband and I have been attending and it seems very balanced and straightforward.


    Do you want a detailed break out? They get 167k donations, 30k rent from a day care that uses their facilty and a few other groups. In expeses, 35K goes to youth ministry which funds activities, and a part time youth minister 92k For the minister and staff and to those in need. 25K to mission and outreach (homeless, food programs) 45k for the facilities, copy machines, utilities, etc.

    Obviously this is very high level, I am new to this church, so that's all I know at this point, I didn't see any huge red flags at this point. I will do more research before I join. Trust, but verify, right?

    At least it is not going to "the worldwide preaching work", aka the pedophile defence fund.

    Ha ha! You must not have people in your church if you think there aren't pedophiles

    Well, sure, statistically it's probable, but that is true of any organization where children are involved. The question is, what is their policy and history. I will be making sure before I join, what I should have done when I joined the dubs, but I was young and naive and it was harder to check then.

    Why not 50%?

    Why not 100%? Because it is a church, not a feed the hungry organization, it's primary purpose is meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation. They couldn't do that if they gave 50% to the hungry, but they do hope to grow the church so that they can contribute more. If I hadn't started attending I wouldnt have known as much about the needs in my community. I happen to think teaching people to be more involved in these things is just as important as doing these things. For example, this Easter, instead of many floral arrangements, they bought one small one and donated the money to the homeless. This sunday the sermon was based on the time Jesus said to "feed my sheep" and that it is not just spiritual food that is needed. They also contribute their time, for example everyone got together and made sandwitches to hand out to the day laborers. They did an easter egg hunt for needy children, along with the candy they hid cans of tuna. That doesnt show as money being donated, but it is a contribution. Our pastor is leading us to do these things.

    Yes, the pastor is paid a salary.

    Why? neither Jesus nor the apostles were paid. Are they better than them, that they should get paid?

    No, she is not more important, but that was a different time, and different circumstances. And people did give them food, clothes and shelter, which is payment of a sort. At one point this congregation had no paid minister, they made a choice to get one, and because of that choice the congregation has grown and changed, and they are happy with that change, it was worth the expence to them.

    The dubs didn't have paid clergy, but as they say, you get what you pay for, we have all seen happens when you have untrained and ignorant elders.

    Ah, so your pastor is better than Jesus and the apostles because he gets paid?

    I did not say that.

  • FlyingHighNow

    In the USA, 80% of churches have around 200 members. The pastors aren't getting rich in those churches. There are the mega church guys and the TV celebrity guys and gals, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

  • FlyingHighNow

    If a non profit organization is of any size, there will be paid employees. And some non profits are run by churches such as Love INC. Then there are missions like the Heartside Ministries here in GR, that help the homeless without requring that they attend church services. Heartside reaches people through art classes and other ways.

    Note that Salvation Army tops the list of non-profits by Forbes:


  • happytobefree

    Flyinghighnow...this is exactly how I feel about church.

    and my the first church that I attended when leaving JW was Uniterian....and what a wonderful experience. First the Pastor was Gay and had a wonderful partner. They had a diverse crowd, that love life and acceptance of people, culture, religion, etc.

    Right now I belong to a nondenomination Christian Church. I don't always agree with the Pastor, but I love his passion for people. And what is awesome is that it's ok that I don't agree with him or any other person at the church. I can come and enjoy the service and feel free to be who I am or where I am in my spiritual journey.

    And I really believe if you go looking for the perfect Church...you will definitely find fault. You should start your journey on finding and growing yourself.

  • EntirelyPossible

    You find it nasty when people stand up against your trolling? I don't think so. You're just unhappy because you thought your brilliant, original, never thought of before, never discussed before question, had a sensible, historical and even scriptural answer.

    Oh look, the "you're just unhappy" BS when you can't actually answer any of the questions. Please, the bible says the exact opposite of what you claim. Quite interestingly, it often does that for apologists, and they are quite often the meanest people around, the first to couch name calling under the name love, the last to admit that what they say doesn't match reality, the first to declare others lacking.

    Seriously, if you're going to try to say I'm unorgininal (I'm just asking questions), then perhaps you should try some orgiginality in your insults.

    Why do preachers get paid for preaching when Jesus and the apostles said to do the exact opposite?

    I understand that you've been hurt. Most of us have been hurt by the WTBTS. I understand that it's your pain speaking.

    You are ignorant. Sadly so. Sadly because you're convinced you know things you possibly couldn't and are wrong on every count, but you use you ignorance as a platform to insult others. It's like you're channeling Aguest or something.

    Why do preachers get paid for preaching when Jesus and the apostles said to do the exact opposite?

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP --- now, I dunno, just going on what I've heard/read but you're indicating a follower of Jesus (preacher/minister) is to be self-supporting yet what about the disciples/Jesus staying with friends being fed and housed. Is this not support?

    That's not at all what I said. I am asking about getting paid a salary for something that, according to their own holy book, should be done freely.

    Comparing church to a non-profit is a false analogy. Saying the church has rent or that the preacher spends time doing other things isn't answering the question. Saying times are different is simply skirting the question and trying to not answer it.

    Why is preaching a salaried position when, according the very holy book they cherish says to NOT do that thing?

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