I was thinking about this, and it led me to wonder what is the uniting factor that we're all here on this board, and the only uniting factor I could come up with is the fact that we're all here on this board. We're made up of ex-JWs of many different lengths, JWs in various stages of fading, never-been JWs, JW apologists and who knows what else. Some of us are here because we need help or advice, some are here to give advice, some are random interlopers, and some are here to promote pro-JW beliefs. This site works, and has been around for such a relatively long amount of time, because it doesn't matter who you are or why you're here, its fine that you're here, and there isn't a "if you're not with me, you're against me" attitude and you don't have to follow the general consensus to stay.
Has there ever been (and I'm genuinely curious, since I'm not regularly here) a group that has caused so much division and infighting in such a short period of time on this board? I don't think name-calling and infighting from the get go shows that this group is off to a very good start. I know that Six Screens guy caused a lot of trouble, but that was over a period of time, and he is a lone entity. There are going to be disagreements and clashes of personalities on here. That's human nature, but getting a bunch of ex-JWs arguing against each other goes squarely against any group that claims to be Anti-Watchtower, I would think. Seriously, please re-think the name and the tone. If there were a group to pop up called AAAWA (Association of Anti-Anti-Watchtower Activists), how effective do you think that they would be here?
I think what people have to remember is that you're not just fighting a religion, you're fighting a multi-billion dollar corporation. People do that all the time, and there are many groups out there that have been around longer and have much more manpower, and they haven't done much. (Ever heard of Millions against Monsanto or the Nestle boycott? Your average person probably hasn't, and these corporations are still around, and while they may have been hurt on a small level, they're still thriving.) If you want to try to be the David to take down Goliath, go ahead, and good luck, I'm on your side. I'm just not going to put my time and energy and $$ into an effort for that, as the WT already claimed the 1st 25 years of my life, and, for me, I can't fight against them too long, or I get bitter and lose the good place I've managed to find for myself. I may not be blatant, but I do what I can. What I can do is, when appropriate, tell my story and the story of others who have been shunned to people I know when it is the right time to do so. Have I accomplished much? No, all I've done, that I know of, is get someone to stop taking the magazines from a JW because she was to polite to say no (I highly doubt I saved her from becoming one), and when they came this year on their Memorial blitz, they didn't get a very friendly reception from quite a few houses in the neighborhood. It may not be much, but it is what I can do to keep a healthy balance in my life.