Constructive feedback for AAWA leadership (IMHO)

by besty 141 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Tylinbrando

    I agree that a complete reboot is necessary Fizzy.

    Members of AWAA were invited or added from the Facebook Groups above and hundreds more I did not list.

    The choice to accept or decline was not afforded them by Facebook Protocol just as it was not for the other groups they belonged to.

    In each group one only has to look under the users name to see who and when they were "added" by.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    There are a ton of ex-JW groups out there, (NONE of which am I a member of) but the difference between every single solitary one out there and AAWA is that none of them added me to their group without my knowledge, and against my wishes. What could have been potentially harmful for me could have been just as potentially harmful for them, since nobody involved in the formation of the group even has a clue of who I am, and I seriously have no clue how I got added, since I only have a handful of ex-JW FB friends, and none of them were anyone involved in the setting up of the group. Anyone who wants to use FB as a platform for a "secret" group is sadly misdirected in the first place. Why bother with FB if there's going to be a website? Why bother being "secret" if there is obviously no vetting of members?

    I think the big thing from me is I haven't seen a "Sorry" or a "We won't do that again" or even a recognition that something harmful has been done. The response has been "we have to look into that" or "here's what you have to do to make your Facebook settings correct, you dummy" attitude. I am quite familiar with FB privacy settings (at least until they change them again) and for some reason, when I was added, AAWA wasn't conforming to my privacy settings, and even though I hit leave group over and over, it never actually stuck until the next day.

    These are also Facebook Groups. Why is their protection any different than AAWA?

    Adding this group in,is friggin rediculous..

    "The Vast Apostate Army"..

    Tuesday and his crew don`t care if you know who they are..

    The other FaceBook Groups did`nt cause a Shit Storm on JWN..

    They don`t have people complaining they were added without consent..

    They don`t have people complaining they were outed..

    They don`t have a huge friggin PR Problem hanging over their heads..

    This could all go away for the AAWA..

    It`s a simple fix..

    ........................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Tylinbrando

    What could have been potentially harmful for me could have been just as potentially harmful for them, since nobody involved in the formation of the group even has a clue of who I am

    and that is exactly what I am concerned about as well and want remedied.You were not screened and vouched for and whoever added you needs to be made aware of the very danger you express above. Until the entire membership is rebooted this is always going to be a point of contention for AAWA. I expect the issue to be addressed sooner rather than later.

    No one that has the authority(AAWA) currently to make this change is commenting here. But they are hearing the same things above on AAWA's pages and PMs.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    And that's exactly my problem. I'm not the only one that is complaining (I haven't even been on an ex-JW forum for months, it was the AAWA thing that even made me rembember to come here) and yet there has been nothing but radio silence from those in charge. Come up with some sort of statement to acknowledge the problem, be it "We're sorry" (and notice not "We're sorry, but here's why it's no big deal") or "Screw you and eff off". Silence indicates nothing but apathy toward the situation.

    And I don't want people to count me as part of the "JWN peanut gallery", I'm hardly even a poster here. Even if I had no JW family on my FB page, this is a group I would not have wanted to be a part of, anyway. I'm with those that think the name and the in-your-face style are far to offputting for this group to be of any good, and get through to any JW wanting to leave, or leave a good impression on those that don't know anything about JWs or the problems that come with being an ex-JW. I watched the AAWA video that was on You Tube, and, aside from the name, thought the tone of the message was actually quite professional and inviting, but looking at the whole response to the idea to re-think the name, and the entire tone of everything that has come to pass after the video makes me think that the video was just a fluke.

  • fizzywiglet

    The choice to accept or decline was not afforded them by Facebook Protocol just as it was not for the other groups they belonged to.

    Wrong. That Facebook even allows such a thing is B.S., of course. But AAWA didn't have to allow it, much less sanction it, encourage it, and defend it. They did all four of those things, and they still haven't fixed the problem.

    Those other groups don't have a history of mass-force-adding people, that we know of. AAWA does.

    My grassroots organization runs both a public FB page for supporters and a private "steering group" made up of 30-40 committee members who collaborate in making decisions. We also work in a sensitive area in which privacy and discretion are paramount. We set up our groups to where people need to request to join, and then an administrator needs to approve them. Not once have we ever allowed or considered allowing a mass-force-add to build our numbers. Instead, we did it the right way - which means the hard way, the no-cutting-corners way. We built up nearly 4,000 people from across the globe over a couple of years. That's how grassroots activism is done. And despite some people here saying "Oh, aaaaaall organization launches have bugs! It never goes smoothly! They aaaaaallllways have major problems!" ...we never had any of the privacy kerfuffles or horror stories that AAWA has managed to debut within their first week or so.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Ya know that's an interesting angle. One of the many reactions from the AAWA was shock, that someohne would OBJECT, to their addition to their site. I can't rememebr who stated it, but they made a comment along the lines that many of the added individuals are already outting themselves on other ex-JW sites. Almost indignant. They just can't get their mind around the issue of choice.

  • EdenOne

    You know what's funny?

    Earlier on this same thread (Page 1), I pointed out that on their "Under Maintenance" page, 24 hours ago, their motto was: - The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists - Exposing the hypocrisy and greed of the Watchtower Society

    I stated my reasons why that message was the wrong kind of message. To my surprise, I looked at it again today, and now it reads: - The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists - An international association providing support for those affected by the Watchtower Society.

    Well, I guess they've been listening after all. Maybe there's hope. It's a small thing but it's a positive change and worthy of mention.


  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    It's down now again! This is really strange.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    It's down now again! This is really strange.

    Being down at all is really strange. You don't have to abandon your current website to be able to redesign your next one.

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