Folks, take a deep breath and reread the wonderful statements you are making.
Amazing how some of you wanted mercy, acknowledgement and support from the groups you used to associate with at the KH's and now the first moment that people ask the same of smell the blood and go for the juglar vein to attack.
How shameful and haughty some of you have become.
Have you not learned ANYTHING from the torment of being in the JW cult for so many years? How the judgement was easily cast upon you for mistakes that you may have made, or questions you wanted to ask.
Now fast forward a few years and your menacing nature wants to "jump down the throats" of those that have take a position of guidance, help and support for the multitudes that truly need it.
YA'ALL need to get a life, and BE ASHAMED for the behaviour you represent.
I can tell right now from what I read, none of you do anything else but WORSHIP yourselves, you care nothing of the needs of others. If you did have any empathy for others, you would not act this way on this particular board.