AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • brinjen

    I would say their knee jerk reaction confirmed what Besty posted above anything else. The accusation made against Besty was he 'compromised member's safety'. Not that he made false accusations.

  • Simon
    To clarify, my remark was said of what transpired in and around the episode of unauthorized usage of AAWA’s name and logo and the associated disclosure of private information. Since that time lots of folks have continued requesting membership and have been vetted and accepted.

    Sorry, your previous post and this keeps giving the impression that everything happened on another copycat group that had nothing to do with the AAWA and they too were keep to push this idea early on. It is clear though that this is smoke and mirrors - we are talking about the official AAWA controlled group so any talk of this other group is just a distraction.

    What matters is the AAWA group and THEY are 100% responsible for everything that happend with that group.

    Even now, they are telling different tales about what happened to different people. It just adds to the sense that people are lying. You be kind and call it confused mistakes but all you are changing is the intent, not the action.

    my impression is that sufficient private communication occurred to convince the AAWA associate that membership was appropriate for AAWA’s mission.

    Well I guarentee that this is 100% inaccurate because the AAWA do not possibly have the resources and tools to do this as I believe it is impossible just as it is impossible for me to know why someone is joining this site.

    The difference being that when someone new does join here they do not immediately (or ever) gain access to the real identities of everyone else on the site. Can the AAWA not see why that could be a little problematic?

    THAT is the ongoing concern that can not be addressed other than by:

    a) Making it clear to everyone who joins the group that they WILL be identified because the motivation for any other person on that list is unknown and confirming WITH THAT PERSON that they still want to join.

    b) Closing the group down and using something much more suitable.

    I don’t disagree with that assessment. I believe it was a careless mistake and should not be minimized as something less. We’ve seen similar things occur right here in our JWN nest that Simon so hospitably constructed and maintained all these years for the benefit of folks like you and I.

    Ehem ... please tell me where similar thingas have occurred here? This site has been going 13+ years which is a little more of a track record than imploding after 13 minutes.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “@Marvin: What evidence do you need?”


    It’s your assertion. I’ve asked what is your evidence in support of it. If you have it then share it, if you can. Otherwise you can do like Besty essentially does and ask readers to just take your word for it. I don’t care. I’m just asking that you tell us what evidence you have that supports your assertion.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm more shocked by the apologists than I am AAWA itself. Same arguments and methods used by the WT when disputing fact. Its both hilarious that they choose to stay in that mentality, and highly annoying to constantly read the same arguments, over and over, of deny, deny, deny.

    All the while the cartoon character is protected in his little Ivory tower he has set up for himself. Reminds me of the GB telling people to keep their eye simple, and yet they have evrything covered and paid for. Why the Cartoon Character feels the need to insulate himself by using an AKA will be interesting.

  • Simon
    4. My understanding is that AAWA will make announcement regarding this in general terms perhaps early next week, if not this week.

    'in general terms' I presume means more spin and little detail ... again?

    Next week? This isn't "shutting the barn door after the horses have bolted". This is allowing the horses to grow old and retire, live out their days and then die pecefully at a ripe old age ... and then starting to talk about closing that barn door!

    5. I was asked my advice about whether AAWA should identify the person who made unauthorized use of its name and logo. My advice was, essentially, not to antagonize a maniac unless you have no choice. I don’t know if they will or won’t. It’s not my call.

    Again, they are now pointing to someone else and another site when what happened was with *their* group and *their* people. See how they try to distract from the real issues people are talking about?

    And if they don't want to antagonize a maniac, then why put other people at risk by having known maniacs in their little group?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I would say their knee jerk reaction confirmed what Besty posted above anything else. The accusation made against Besty was he 'compromised member's safety'. Not that he made false accusations.”


    I don’t know if it’s me or you, but I can’t make heads or tails of what that means. Can you clarify?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Simon

    Marvin: Ignore everything else if you want, but please just tell me this: can you appreciate the risk with the facebook group as it currently is and as I've outlined above?

    If yes, then shouldn't it just be shut down? Have they given you any reason that makes any sense at all why this hasn't been done?

  • brinjen

    Marvin. I'm referring to the post made about Besty in the AAWA Facebook group. The one where they "warned" everyone about Besty because he "exposed" members of the group (while they themselves posted both a photo of Besty and revealed his real name). It was their reaction to Besty's post here about who added who. They did not try to say Besty was lying. They claimed he "compromised the safety of the group"... how I don't know....

  • Simon
    I don’t know if it’s me or you, but I can’t make heads or tails of what that means. Can you clarify?

    Interesting words by Julia Barrick Douglas:

    "One of our volunteers notified us"

    Doesn't that imply that she considers herself to be the official AAWA? Confirmed by the comment from the secretary ...

    And ironic that they see people sharing frankly trivial infomation about their group as a sin / crime / end of the world but don't seem at all bothered about the risk for everyone elses information.

    I don't think they understand AT ALL how the word "secret" applies to facebook groups. It simply means "not indexed". That's it. Other than that it's a regular group.

  • Simon

    Where are the warnings from them about the known maniacs they have?

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