I cope by facing up uncompromisingly to the fact that there is no purpose.
And you find comfort in that?
250 000 men, women and children wiped out in the Asian tsunami had a purpose did it? Please tell us what that purpose was.
A person who is diagnosed with Huntingtons Chorea who can know from a genetic test at what age they will mercifully pass away after 20 years of suffering with no hope of a cure. Please tell us what your god's purpose is in that. Maybe next time I go to the cancer unit at Newcastle you would like to come with me to meet some of the children and their parents and tell them what the purpose is of their disease.
First of all, don't misunderstand, I never said 'I KNOW what the purpose is' for anyone's suffering, I'm not God.
I would be glad to go with you and meet those children and their parents. As one who finds himself working with people in many painful situations, and dealing the suffering of others, I find most people are able to better deal with those things even when they don't understand what the purpose is, as long as they can trust that it's for a cause greater than the situation they find themselves in. If you have a better message I'd like to hear about it. Maybe you have something that would better comfort my wife, who has Muscular Dystrophy and who's lost both her mother and brother to the same disease, or my sister who lost her 19 year old son in a freak auto accident or maybe you would like to comfort the loved ones of the missing persons I'm called on to search for with my dog. I never claim to have all the answers, I can only share what works for me and others when someone asks how I handle the pains of life.
There may be people on this board who feel they have suffered far more than either/both of us. If they ask about me, I can only share the Gospel of Christ. I'm no better than you or anyone else, and I don't believe I deserve any of the blessings I recieve.
Yes I am certain you are delusional.
Well now, there you go. I guess the reason I reacted the way I did to your post, was that you could see the need for someone else to learn from you, but, it seemed that you think you know ALL bout what christians believe and you seem to think you are qualified to to speak for all of us. Did you ever stop to think you could learn something from christians? I'll be glad to take your advice and listen to you, if you can do the same. Because having authentic conversations with people who do not share my worldview and trying to understand them is one of the main reasons I'm here. So if we don't have YOUR worldview does it seem fair to say we're "delusional"? Do you really think you're in a (superior) position to tell christains that they all have a mental disorder?
Just asking.