A Couple of thoughts on July WT

by Phizzy 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    Jakelm said:

    have guilted myself before thinking I was ridiculing the coming just as the scripture that you quoted. However, if the coming is true, I am content to wait and work on my christian personality. My contention is not where is the Coming; but rather, why has WT been saying they are God's channel to mankind and the obvious fact is that they haven't hit the side of a barn with a tank with their expectations.

    I used to be one that would use that scripture against the ridiculers. But I don't expect the GB to be right on their expectations. The problem I have is that there has been 6000 years of futility for this issue. What's the point of carrying it on? The results won't change.

    Having the WT organization blast that Armeggedon is imminent for 130 years, insisting that we not just "seek the kingdom first", but that the kingdom is the only thing that we should seek and it's done by placing literature, building kingdom halls, assembly halls, and branches all of which they have found a way to profit off of is nonsense. WT has had millions of people that have "listened" to their ramblings for over a century, but the scripture you quoted is not a free ticket to continuous speculation without your credibility shot.

    That is what the entire problem is in a nutshell. It is all about guilting people into focusing on doing things for their benefit

  • DesirousOfChange

    People, people, people..................quit trying to make any sense out of it!

    You'll drive yourself crazy!

    Yet, it will continue to make sense to those still blinded. And when it changes again, it will still make sense, or at least the new understanding will make sense and this old one won't make sense even though it made so much sense now when it first came out. Why can't you figure it out???? It it so simple. It just makes sense. (Even though this didn't make sense for the past 100 years.) This is a BIG change. It just makes sense that we're so close to the end that we would be seeing changes like this. Isn't it amazing?!?!?!?!

    GEEZ! I'm tired of trying to make any sense out of it with you! Jehovah blinds the minds of the unbelievers.



    I need a couple tall ones!

  • leaving_quietly

    I was thinking about the "harvesting" the other night lying in bed. Phizzy said:

    For instance, it is claimed in the chart, and the 2nd article I think, that the Harvest began in 1914, by whom?

    I thought about Jesus' own statement at John 4:35, 36: "Do YOU not say that there are yet four months before the harvest comes? Look! I say to YOU: Lift up YOUR eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting. Already ?the reaper is receiving wages and gathering fruit for everlasting life, so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together."

    The harvest was going on then. In addition, he basically told them that they were wrong that there were yet four months (yet alone 1900 years) for the harvesting to begin.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I think you hit the nail on the head BU2B. Its not about scriptural correctness, its about emotional control mostly, then thought and information control.

    The information showing how wrong they are on many things is out there on the internet and in books in abudance. What stops JW's from reading this? The FEAR. The fear of death at Armageddon, of being destroyed by God, of not being resurrected, or of suffering some sort of divine punishment or karma (name your pet religious fear).

    A JW cannot break free until this fear is diluted.

  • Vanderhoven7


  • Crazyguy

    Im not sure but i thought i read on this forum that the GB in the July 15 wt say that the parable about the wheat and the weeds is about the 144k and that the harvest work started in 1919? Well doesnt Rev. chapter 14 blow up that whole idea? Since in that chapter the 144k are already in heaven singing a new song when Jesus and they Angels grab thier sickles to do the harvest work. Or is there another harvest that is mentioned in the bible that im not thinking about?

  • heathen

    I don't see where it mentions the 144k doing any havesting , revs 14 says they are told to rest from their labors and 2 angels , one appears to be jesus are told to stick their sickel in the earth and gather the grapes to the wine press of GODS wrath. I think the WTBTS has it wrong when they say the 144k are helping the org. I don't see where they do anything prior to the end of the world in the bible .

  • Crazyguy

    my question is it seems to me that the GB are stateing that the harvesting work are to gather together the anointed, if thats what there saying then doesnt rev chapter 14 clearly show there wrong? since the 144k are already gathered.

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