Are we all missing the true 'MARK' of the Wild Beast?

by Newly Enlightened 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Disclaimer: Hubby & I have been watching a 5 DVD documentary on the 'Secret's of the Founding Father's' We're not sure if we believe everything they talk about but here is some interesting things to think about....

    Revelation mentions that the 'mark' would either be on the forehead, [for EVERYONE to see] OR, on the right hand [If you make a fist, it is hidden] Rev also says that NO ONE can buy or sell without this mark. The WTBT$ isn't too clear on what they believe that mark is, so...

    What is ONE thing that we cannot buy or sell without?


    The U.S $1 bill has gone basically unchanged since 1935 when Roosevelt [Well-known Freemason] put the great seal and the other symbols on there.


  • LostGeneration

    Hang on, let me put my hat on so I can read the rest of this thread.

  • sir82

    If it will make you feel safer, please mail all your dollar bills to me. I will be sure to dispose of them properly.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    There you go Sir82. We appreciate your sacrifice to dispose of all our demonic bills!

  • tornapart

    NE, if you're interested in this sort of thing look up about the IBM verichip. Not saying that it means anything as such, who knows. Conspiracy theorists seem to think it's tied in with that scripture. I just looked at it out of curiosity, it'll be interesting to see if anything like it happens. I'm certainly not going to be derisive of something like this, after all who would have believed the Nazi Holocaust before it happened.

  • Simon

    Just to debunk this nonsense in the easiest way possible.

    What is ONE thing that we cannot buy or sell without? MONEY!

    Actually, you can substitute all manner of precious metals, gems, other goods, assets, produce and anything else used to barter.

  • jgnat

    kijiji facilitates online bartering and exchange. I see this is a Canadian phenomenon, and the closest thing in the US is eBay Classifieds.

  • Seraphim23

    Newly Enlightened, the mark is not money, it more to do with idolatry and the worship of animals or man. 666 which is the symbolism used regarding this mark is taken from Jewish idiomatic language; instances of which are in several earlier places in the bible such as when Nebuchadnezzar built a statue.

    Daniel 3:1 King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.

    I won’t go into the details but as you can see it has 66 connected to it in terms of cubits, and also later in the chapter 666 is there, but encoded within the lists of the instruments to be played when worship of it was supposed to happen.

    Man was created on the sixth day in Genesis, different from the animals but not on the fabled seventh day of rest.

    Also note that Goliath the giant also has 666 connected with him in the book of Samuel, and his head is significant in the story as the stone from the catapult kills him. Note also that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as interpreted by Daniel is destroyed by a stone in the feet. Hands, feet and head ect all had symbolic idiomatic meaning in Jewish culture.

    If one puts all this together with an understanding of the Jewish mind, it becomes clear the kind of thing being communicated. 666 is connected to man, idolatry and domination more or less. At the time Revelation was doing the rounds it was almost certainly referring to Rome, not some microchip or money.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I spend inordinate amounts of time reading American and British history with a smattering of French history. B/c of my interest in const'l law, I focus mostly on the American Rebellion and the Federalist period. I've seen some of the Mason descriptions. My personal opinion is that, of course, founders were often Masons, too. There was no Masonic conspiracy.

    These men and women were very conscious they were forming a new, legal country worthy of international recognition. Many items were left to Geo. Washington's discretion. Without Washington being viewed as neutral (not truly), the United States never would have been formed. Washington was a Mason the way I am an Episcopalian. It informed his world view. Many founders were vehemently opposed to the Masons. Those DVDS are prob. patently false.

    I may like incense, pipe organs, and professional choirs. Tudor English sounds so musical to me. Yet I know today's date.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    You may be able to do that on sites like Ebay, or a swap meet, or other places like that, but here in the U.S I challenge you to walk into a grocery store with a custom knife, precious metals or a gemstone and try to trade/barter for a weeks worth of groceries.

    Post the receipt on here because I would like to see that.

    You cannot do that everywhere!

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