yep true, so many different branches.
The Arabs, I think, worshipped the moon. which was the basis of Muhammeds faith/religion. Their claim to Abraham is through the Ishmael line, rather than (what;s his name, grrr ... it'll come)
The reason i am searching this is, I was having a convo with someone about the rise of the 8th king, the one who was, then was not, but will be again.
I discovered an article which suggested Iran. Iran is Persia, very different to the Arabs. It was, then wasn't and now is again. ( although same could be said about china, but china has no involvement/connection with God's chosen people )
Ch 17 Mystery Babylon
Ch 18 Babylon the Great.
Difference between the two identities.
The timing of the events related to them during the tribulation also raises some controversy.
Pagan Mysticism
Mystery Babylon and the rise of Modern Paganism
The bible says that in the last days there will be a falling away from the true faith to doctrine of demons.
The church age is almost over - Don Koenig.
1948 Israel became a state.
1979 the Iranian Revolution catapulted the land of ancient Persia back onto the global political stage.
The Iranian revolution inspired an exponential rise of Islamic fundalmentalist sentiment against the west.
An angry wind that begun to blow with increasing velocity across the middle east and the larger Islamic world.
When the Islamic world saw that Iran could blatantly snub it's nose at the powerful West, and get away with it, others quickly followed.
Iran/Iraq war, the rise of AlQaeda + Osoma Bin Laden, the attack on new York Sept 11th 2001, the gulf wars in afghanistan and pakistan.
Iran is Persia - emergence as a world power, and a modern day growing global threat.
Daniel's prophecy ????
Is the Prophetic seal on the book of Daniel is unsealing, right before our eyes. The church age is rapidly drawing to a close.
The Old Persian Empire encompassed the areas of
The Persian Empire figured most prominently in the captivity of ISRAEL in BIBLICAL HISTORY, and as we shall point out, Persia also figures prominently in future prophecy and the beginning of the ''latter days'' Dan 10;14
Iran & Turkey although both Islamic nations, are NOT Arab nations. these are different peoples that the descendants of Ishmael