Are we all missing the true 'MARK' of the Wild Beast?

by Newly Enlightened 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • *lost*


    cold steel

    Cold steel are you a muslim ? you may be able to shed some light on womething for me.

    difference between the Arabs/beliefs and the Persians. Iran is Persia. Persians do not have any conection/beliefs with Abraham, Ishmael.

    Arabs do and have belief in Christ the prophet ?

    Most (or all ?) muslims do not believe in Christ the prophet ?

    can you tell me if I have the right/wrong grasp of it.


  • Seraphim23

    I think Muslims do think Christ is a prophet but only a prophet. Of course the word prophet is misunderstood somewhat these days because anyone who spreads Gods message is considered a prophet, particularly when it goes against the priestly class/religious establishment. I’m not sure about the origins or Arabs but they are a diverse group and the word Arab has a few competing theories as to where it comes from originally. Plus there are differing definitions or the religious Arab identity and the racial identity. There were Arab Christians before the advent of Islam as well as Jewish Arabs who had converted to Judaism. There are such a big complicated group than defined definitions are probably impossible.

  • *lost*

    yep true, so many different branches.

    The Arabs, I think, worshipped the moon. which was the basis of Muhammeds faith/religion. Their claim to Abraham is through the Ishmael line, rather than (what;s his name, grrr ... it'll come)

    The reason i am searching this is, I was having a convo with someone about the rise of the 8th king, the one who was, then was not, but will be again.

    I discovered an article which suggested Iran. Iran is Persia, very different to the Arabs. It was, then wasn't and now is again. ( although same could be said about china, but china has no involvement/connection with God's chosen people )


    Ch 17 Mystery Babylon

    Ch 18 Babylon the Great.

    Difference between the two identities.

    The timing of the events related to them during the tribulation also raises some controversy.


    Pagan Mysticism

    Mystery Babylon and the rise of Modern Paganism

    The bible says that in the last days there will be a falling away from the true faith to doctrine of demons.

    The church age is almost over - Don Koenig.


    1948 Israel became a state.

    1979 the Iranian Revolution catapulted the land of ancient Persia back onto the global political stage.

    The Iranian revolution inspired an exponential rise of Islamic fundalmentalist sentiment against the west.

    An angry wind that begun to blow with increasing velocity across the middle east and the larger Islamic world.

    When the Islamic world saw that Iran could blatantly snub it's nose at the powerful West, and get away with it, others quickly followed.

    Iran/Iraq war, the rise of AlQaeda + Osoma Bin Laden, the attack on new York Sept 11th 2001, the gulf wars in afghanistan and pakistan.

    Iran is Persia - emergence as a world power, and a modern day growing global threat.


    Daniel's prophecy ????

    Is the Prophetic seal on the book of Daniel is unsealing, right before our eyes. The church age is rapidly drawing to a close.

    The Old Persian Empire encompassed the areas of



    The Persian Empire figured most prominently in the captivity of ISRAEL in BIBLICAL HISTORY, and as we shall point out, Persia also figures prominently in future prophecy and the beginning of the ''latter days'' Dan 10;14


    Iran & Turkey although both Islamic nations, are NOT Arab nations. these are different peoples that the descendants of Ishmael

  • jgnat

    *lost*, I highly recommend this book to you,

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Sorry for the repeat above, I'm having browser difficulties.

    JGnat: DUH! I'm talking about society in GENERAL, not an underground society of getting just a few items.

    Go and try to pay your property taxes to the GOVERNMENT with beaver pelts and let us know how that turns out.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Lost: You're right about the rise of paganism. We're seeing more & more of it all the time. Here in just the past year in Albuquerque, NM we have seen a practicing witch/wiccan stab a man and kill him for her ritual. A young kid stabbed a minister because the kid thinks he's a Freemason and was doing Satan worship, etc the list just goes on and on.

  • Caedes

    I do all my shopping with money that doesn't have any of those symbols on, it does have a nice picture of charles darwin though!

  • *lost*

    jgnat thanks for that, it's gone on my list many thanks.

    NE - now ouija boards have made a comeback again, being marketed for kids. lol.

    Africa - voodoo etc - see Albino kids, sacrifices. there have even been cases in the uk of voodooism and child sacrifice ( a lot of african immigrants) lot of Jamaican's also, but the jammies believ in Jah, different breed, defferent culture entirely.

    satanism, same, there have been cases in uk (and othe parts of the world ) of children imprisoned

    (OOH OOh NEWS Syria has turned ff the internet )happening right now

  • *lost*

    where were we, lol

    There a woman who is long time many years foster parent, she has written some really good books, she has had kids that were used in satanism

    another onein america

    Torey Hayden, same.

    There was a story out years back the alleges Bush and Blair were involved in some sick sht (bush's blood lines are bonesmen. Bonesmen first, God second, is their mottto, which god, lol )

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Exactly. But I think a lot of people forget this, "The ENTIRE world is lying in the power of the wicked one". If Satan didn't have control of these 'entities' then how could he offer them to Jesus if he did an act of worship to him?

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