Are we all missing the true 'MARK' of the Wild Beast?

by Newly Enlightened 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Duh, you don't need paperwork in an underground economy. Barter is imperfect exchange in a complex society, because it is difficult to line up all the vendors in exchange for service.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    You may be able to do that on sites like Ebay, or a swap meet, or other places like that, but here in the U.S I challenge you to walk into a grocery store with a custom knife, precious metals or a gemstone and try to trade/barter for a weeks worth of groceries.

    Can you pay your property taxes to the government with beaver pelts?

    Post the receipt on here because I would like to see that.

    You cannot do that everywhere!

  • *lost*


    I can tell you in Ireland and the Uk at least, cash is king. hard cash. the days of barter/swaps/exchange are dead. Peeps want cash. The cash they can convert, although with money laundering laws etc now in place, it is getting harder for crims to launder their cash and convert it.

    Gypsies, their welath was ponies and they wore their gold. Now, it's cash..

    haven't got my head around the mark of the beast

    everything has to be reinvestigated seperate from WT teschings.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    This is what happens when you spend too much time reading or listening to Alex Jones.

    As for the great seal and all that other nonsense, take a look at

    Regarding the Beast of Revelation, if you live in the United States you have little to worry about. The Beast will be primarily a world power based in Europe, not the Western Hemisphere. Most likely, he will arise with the power vacuum created by the collapse of the United States. With no allies in the region, Israel will be left greatly vulnerable, and the Beast will raise a powerful army which he will use to march on Jerusalem. It's doubtful there will be an actual mark in that, contextually, the mark in one's forehead is a sign of one's loyalty. When John speaks about the 144,000, he says they will have the Father's name written into their foreheads. Again, loyalty, not literally.

    After reading a number of prophecy books, I recommend The Islamic Antichrist, by Joel Richardson. In it, he quotes well-known Muslim apologist Osamah Abdallah. The question posited to him was, “What do Muslims believe about the end of the world and Jesus’ part in it?” His answer is astonishing as it relates to this discussion:

    Briefly, Christians believe that Jesus will come down to earth and fight for the state of Israel.… What seems to be quite ironic to me is that those Jews that Jesus is supposedly going to fight for don’t even believe in Jesus as GOD himself nor as a Messenger of GOD.… Jesus never liked the Jews.… Now without being biased, we Muslims have a story that makes a lot more sense and is empty of contradictions!

    We believe that Jesus will come down to earth toward the end of the world time to fight the army of Satan which will be mostly from the “bad” Jews or “Zionist Jews” as we call them today, and the deceived from the Polytheist Christians or the Trinitarian Christians and the Pagan Polytheists such as Hindus, Buddhists, etc.… Some Jews and many Christians will be among the good and blessed who will fight with Jesus’ side. The army of Satan will be led by a person who will claim to be Jesus Christ himself. The Muslims will call him the Dajjal or the Deceiver. The real Jesus’ army will fight the Dajjal’s army and defeat him. The empire of Israel will fall, and the religion of Islam will prevail.

    Richardson, Joel (2009-07-28). The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast

    Keeping in mind that the Jehovah's Witnesses have a very unique view of Armageddon and move it from Jerusalem to make it a worldwide conflict in which all evil will be destroyed. Ezekiel, Zechariah and John, however, place it in Jerusalem. Richardson writes:

    The most common belief, however, held almost universally by Bible teachers, is that the Antichrist’s empire will be a revived Roman empire. There are, however, some glaring problems with this theory. First, Rome was the sixth empire. If Rome was the sixth and will also be the last, then what happened to the seventh? This theory has a gaping hole. Is Rome the sixth, seventh, and eighth empires? Not Scripture nor history nor common sense supports this notion. Second, every one of the previous six empires ruled the Middle East, including Jerusalem. This is very important! We must always remember that the Bible is thoroughly Jerusalem-centric. It is not America-centric, nor is it Western-centric. In the biblical view of things, Jerusalem is the center of the earth. This point cannot be underscored enough.

    It's remarkable how close Islamic prophecy is to Christian prophecy, only the good guys and bad guys are reversed. The Islamic Jesus comes to destroy the Jews and put Jerusalem back into the hands of the Muslims, while the Christian Jesus will come to defend the Jews. Both will display miraculous powers. Muslim authorities are bold in declaring that Christians are going to have to be willing to accept the true Jesus:

    When Jesus returns he will personally correct the misrepresentations and misinterpretations about himself. He will affirm the true message that he brought in his time as a prophet, and that he never claimed to be the Son of God. Furthermore, he will reaffirm in his second coming what he prophesied in his first coming bearing witness to the seal of the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad. In his second coming many non-Muslims will accept Jesus as a servant of Allah Almighty, as a Muslim and a member of the community of Muhammad. (The Approach of Armageddon, Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, p. 337)

    The above answers a longheld question I had about why, when Jesus returns and is seen by many on the Mount of Olives, Muslims won't immediately be converted but will only be moved to greater rebellion. Indeed, the Lord says that if Egypt comes not up to Jerusalem thereafter, that He will send judgments against them. Apparently they will be so pissed off about being on the wrong side of things that they won't know how to handle it:

    And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. (Zechariah 14:16-19)

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The pieces of paper are not that important. The U.S. dollar is based on complex computations now. Royalty in Europe and Jews typically held wealth in portable diamonds and gold. During the colonial period, there was not a good banking system here yet so people invested their extra money in beautiful furniture from England. You could get bank notes based on the furniture.

    The drawback is the cost of a middle person to do the transaction.

    This Federal Reserve/dollar business is crazy. Breton Woods is dated. A long time ago people viewed dollar bills as a type of voucher for gold or sterling reserves. Now nations typically use bundles of different currencies whose market price constantly fluctuates.

    Perhaps I had a lousy teacher, which I have always suspected, but I find it extremely difficult to understand. The Khan Academy has the easiest and informative series on the Federal Reserve and currency that I have ever read. The U.S. government plays a major role in stabilizing the currency.

  • Satanus

    You could write or phone the un and ask them if they have something they can give you that you could use to show your support of them and their efforts. I doubt if they would recommend an actual tatoo. But maybe a little gold plaque or chrome idol would be nice. Then, you could rest, secure that you have your very own wild beast mark;)


  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Cold Steel: " As for the great seal and all that other nonsense, take a look at ...

    Regarding the Beast of Revelation, if you live in the United States you have little to worry about. The Beast will be primarily a world power based in Europe, not the Western Hemisphere. Most likely, he will arise with the power vacuum created by the collapse of the United States. With no allies in the region, Israel will be left greatly vulnerable, and the Beast will raise a powerful army which he will use to march on Jerusalem. It's doubtful there will be an actual mark in that, contextually, the mark in one's forehead is a sign of one's loyalty. When John speaks about the 144,000, he says they will have the Father's name written into their foreheads. Again, loyalty, not literally."

    Yes, your version doesn't sound like "nonsense" at all.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Ah, ReturnofParakeet, you have no idea.

    At the time the Jehovah's Witnesses were in their formulative years, its eschatology could not adapt to Israel. Israel wasn't formed until 1947, and with all the scriptures that pointed to the gathering of Judah throughout the Old and New Testaments, Charles T. Russell couldn't incorporate it for the simple reason it hadn't happened yet. But biblical prophecy has been substantiated in the meantime; however, now it's too late. Russle and Rutherford had "spiritualized" Judah to mean "the church." Unable to turn on a dime, they were forced to retain their previous beliefs, even as Israel became a state and began to gather. John saw that the Jews would rebuild the temple and that the city would later be beseiged by its enemies. The great battle would be called Armegeddon.

    The Jews have now begun to prepare its materials for the rebuilding of its temple. Priests are being taught the law of sacrifice and the famed red heifer, thought to be extinct, has now made a reappearance and genetic work has begun on reviving the species.

    Now it may not make sense to you, and you may be embittered against the JWs and its eschatology; yet prophecy doesn't require belief to be fulfilled. I also cannot explain how the eschatologies of Christianity and Islam can be mirror opposites. The same story, but different points of view.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Cold Steel: " Now it may not make sense to you, and you may be embittered against the JWs and its eschatology; yet prophecy doesn't require belief to be fulfilled. I also cannot explain how the eschatologies of Christianity and Islam can be mirror opposites. The same story, but different points of view. "

    If you're unable to make LDS doctrine clear, it's either because you're not up to the task of making it clear or the doctrines themselves make no sense.

    I told you on another thread that arguments from your holy books are not acceptable to me as proof of anything. Despite repeated requests from me, you still insist on quoting huge chunks of the Bible, Book of Mormon, and other Mormon pubs. I'm an atheist. I don't give a good god-damn about what your books say. The very first thing you have to prove to me is the existence of God. Can you do that or not?

  • villagegirl

    Lost Generation- love the Hats

    - I think you should sell the hats on Amazon or Etsy,

    the cat could use some catnip.

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