NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!

by Newly Enlightened 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tylinbrando

    I find it incredulous that these two elders felt it necessary to engage in a biblical tug of war debating "principles" of the bible as they related to a WORK OF FICTION.

    It is an artistic and creative work of literature. It is the expression of someone's imagination not an indictment of their personal activities. THIS MEETING was formed over a personal agenda because of disdain for the individuals or their creative works.

    The twisiting and spin on the scriptures in an effort to vilify the author of the FICTIONAL work is abhorrent.

    When I was serving as an elder I was brought before a committee for the art that I produced. I majored in art through HS and C. One zealous MS was shocked at the number of "nudes" that were displayed in my studio. He took it to the elders.

    Needless to say, those elders tried their best to vilify my artwork and after lengthy debate realized they had no leg to stand on. The only point they tried to stick with me in the end was the propensity to "stumble others" my artwork would have.

    In the end the elders(with an obscene amount of persuasive debate from me) decided there was really nothing for them to do. They simply asked me to keep my artwork private from those in the congregation.

    Years later I learned while doing some work on one of these elders homes that the PO that sat on my JC was also an artist who painted abstract nudes like Picasso. I found his open files of pornographic magazines used for referrence very telling. When I confronted him about, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well I keep my work very low profile, it is just a hobby."

    This Cult produces some of the craziest assholes I've ever known.


  • gingerbread

    This is a classic example of an "investigation" being started by the elder body. They show up at your house, it starts off a bit uncomfortably and then they dive in to the accusation phase. Elders will refuse to reveal their sources - though in this "call" the one elder admits that he heard about it from his wife...and the talk originated in a 'car group'. The couple backs these guys into a corner - using the Bible and WT quotes - and the elders argument melts. It becomes elder suggests that she could have used an alias (lie).

    More judicial committees are formed as a result of talk during field service - one person starts the gossip and others spread the story. The elders are now "forced" to create a committee > because the alleged wrong doing was now a "public" matter.

    I wish this couple the best. It ain't over 'til the axe falls. If they feel like they made their point and are now in the clear i.e. these elders are on their side - they're dreaming. (And I'm assuming the couple later got the 'boot' - since they allowed the video to go public)

    Wrestle a pig and you'll end up being the exhausted one with mud on your face.

  • hamsterbait

    Yet the beth hell library has a copy ot the erotic noverl "Those About To Die" by David Mannix.

    They quoted from it in a Witchtower Study just a few weeks ago - it has incest, sex orgies, bestiality, homosexuality and of course graphic violence. It caused a furore when it was published.


  • Tylinbrando

    Excellent observation Hamster. WT hypocrisy in full throttle.

  • Iamallcool


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I only made it to 7:23 and I couldn't take anymore. I would love going to a party and for background ambiance, have this up on a large screen laugh at!

    I mean they both read the "book" and studied it so they could discuss specific marked pages? Laughable!

    The lead Elder talked so slow, I am sure you appreciated it, lol, so we could hear his every word, clearly. lol His slowness in speech, reminded me, when us Sister's gave 6 and then 5 minute talks. I usually talk a bit fast, and then I realized, if I talked slowly when I did a talk, and slowly looked up scriptures, I wouldn't have to memorize so much! lol

    Just Lois

    I am curious about these 2 Elders. They come off as real dip-sticks. Were they?

  • Invetigator74

    The famous words of Monty Python " It's the Spanish Inqusition!!!!"

  • Magwitch

    Another "Whirlpool of Stupid"

    I especially enjoyed when the one elder stated that he was especially offended with the scene of the man and woman who had their legs and arms tangled together (even though their clothes were on)

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I love how the Elders villify your book because it has the word "damn" in it and some romantic encounters, yet defend the Bible's accounts of similiarly desribed romances.

    I'm intrigued by the graphic descriptions of bestiality, rape, incest, child sacrifice, child murder, general murder, collecting of foreskins from dead bodies, genocide, lying, manipulation....not in your book, Newly Enlightened, but in the Bible!

    If god is so offended by these things, so much that they "should not even be mentioned among you", as the one elder highlighted, then maybe god should have reconsidered his decision to put those things in his own book. I bet NE's book does not contain one mention of incest, rape or child sacrifice, does it?

    Typical methodology of elders:

    > Mt. 18 never applies to anything

    > they refuse to name your accusers

    > they spout lots of personal opinions- then make believe it's the law

    > they come at you with accusations based on heresay, then the one elder admits he only "skimmed" through your book. Idiot! So, he really does not know what your book is about.

    All of this hubub over fictional characters and fictional events. These elders need to get a life!

  • notjustyet

    Marking,..for later view at my own leisure,...


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