NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!

by Newly Enlightened 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Our video has had almost 3300 views now.

    Thank you all for your wonderful comments.

    If this video prevents just ONE person from joining the cult, then its worth it.

    The Elders try to control every aspect of your life and if your career is not janitorial or window washing, your in trouble

    Brother of the Hawk

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I wish more current JW's would watch this video. Especially those that have never had 'run-ins' with the elders.

    We put up with this kind of crap for the entire 34 yrs we've been married.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    We're up to 3400 views.

    AWESOME! Thanks everyone.

  • notjustyet

    Yes, but does into acount all the times you have watched it?


  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    It only counts one time per computer. So if you show it to a friend on your computer it is not counted. Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • grumblecakes

    so regarding this viagra tie, i cant quite see. Does it say "viagra"?...Ohhh i certainly hope its not a picture...just a limp, sad tie...

    Anyhoo, just watched the video for the first time, holy crap that was rediculous. it was histerical tho how they had nothing to come back with when you tried to reason with them.

    worth a bump for all those who have never seen it!!

  • awaken2004

    Marking for later . . .

  • infernosdante

    i watched the entiire video,it was a bit of deja vu ,i was also told matt 18 didnt apply apparently scripture only applies it it supports their agenda, another thing i noticed was the consstant fidgeting in particular the one named jim, body language experts say that constant fidgeting as in constantly rubbing around the chin and mouth and the face is usually a sign of deceptiveness,defensiveness, and outright lies,police are trained to watch for these tells that someone is lying.through most of the video jim is giving off clear signs of deception,and by the end the one named russ is also,this is clearly seen in the ever changing story of the two sisters(which probably never happened).

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Grumblecakes: Yes, Jim's Viagra tie had little blue 'Viagra' words all over it and only pictures of little blue pills thank God.

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