Several times. One of the more ridiculous goes as follows.
15 yrs old in front of everybody in main auditorium in circuit assembly hall when people could see me from the food line up.
I was asked to speak to a couple of brothers (one was my home study conductor and another MS) - I know I don't get it.
I'm still angry that I consented to it. Anybody would have guessed this must be quite serious and needed to be dealt with immediately.
It was because my mother and stepfather didn't like the 'Mack Bolan' books I was reading! The odd thing about that is I don't like those kind of books particularly and was only interested in them then for like 3 months (remember, I was 15).
After they spoke to me I went into the line up for food. My friend from another hall said 'I won't ask'.
Completely embarrassed I didn't even tell him what it was about.
If I knew then what I know now I would have called social services and the police to have a little chat with my parents a few times while I was in high school.