Yes, most couples lie.
Were You Ever Interrogated By The Elders?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
My wife and I was in a old people congregation and most of them treated us like dirt. I think they hated the fact we were young and having sex. About 5 years later I was then a new father and was working alot to feed the family. The CO visit one week and a elder assigned me to work with the CO on Sat. field service. The CO asked me why I was missing meetings and field service every month. I told him my wife and I was blessed with a child by Jehovah and I had to work more to take care of our bills. He look at me square in the eyes and told me Jehovah did not bless us with a child. I just had sex with my wife and she got pregnant and that was no reason to miss meetings and field service. That CO was the biggest asshole I have ever known. Totally ADD
HAHA....that's pretty funny.
One elder questioned me after I was seen talking to a girl (we were both 17) who was studying. He asked if I ever talked to her on the phone, saw her outside of meetings etc. I gave him my best "aw shucks no brother elder! I wouldn't do that!" Boy was he mad when he reproved me 6 months later for sleeping with her.
Bad Jeff.
Think About It
Would you believe that I once had to fend off elders trying to interrogate me over saying the phrase "oh my god"? Yep.....oh my god. I was so bad.
TotallyADD: having fun in public sets a bad example to others.
Typical. How dare you actually enjoy yourself.
jean-luc picard
you speak of the backroom. That really is a universal expression in the borg isnt it?
I hadnt thought about it before, but no matter where you go in the world, the elders drag you into the `backroom'
Ours had an enormous window too, so everybody could see and wondered what you'd been up to.
I knew JWs that would drive by the Hall to see who's car was there with the elders.
NO- I told them to take a hike.(they drove out to my house) They seemed dejected that Bethel told them to investigate me, but didn't provide them with a copy of the letter I sent - I told the elders that it appears the brothers in NY don't trust you with that information, so neither shall I.