Oh yeah! Don't know if it counts as 'interrogation' but watch the video, it sure felt like the 3 rd degree!
Were You Ever Interrogated By The Elders?
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
Yep. Been back roomed a few times but the real interrogation happened when I started to have doubts. I'll post the link into this thread later when I'm at my computer. It was a real doozy.
Once. My husband cheated on me with a white trailor trash hoochy mama. Long story short, I was pregnant with my second child, and they questioned me about stuff that I did not even witness. I told them, that if this hormonal pregnant woman had see that, there would be no need for a judial meeting, because I would have killed her, and made my husband wished he was some place else.....
Now for the real truth at what had happened. Yes, my husband did cheat on me, and yes I was called in for a judial meeting, I'm guessing as a witness. When they started asking me about what he did, I told them that I was not there to see what had happened, only what my husband told me. Then I broke down crying. They asked me if I was going to leave my husband over this, and I told them, I did not know, what I was going to do. After that, it was my husband's time to go see the elders, and they let me go home. My husband, being the son of an elder knew how to play the game, and he managed to only be put on private reproof.
If any one is wondering the outcome, my husband truly felt horrible about what he done. Not because he broke the rules, it was because he broke my heart, and my trust in him. The next seven years were really tough, but we did manage to survive that bump in the road, and he has never cheated on me again after that. We are getting ready to have our 20th wedding aniversary this September, and he did eventually regained my trust, but it did take a long time.
Had three of them "invite" me into the back room. Them: We have had reports that your pickup has been seen parked in front of the S----- D----- Bar on some Friday or Saturday nights, sometimes as late as 1:00 AM. Me: I am NOT getting drunk!. It is NOT prohibited to enjoy live music. I am there alone! Them: Well it might be a source of stumbling to whomever saw your pickup there that late. Me: Who is saying that? Shouldn't they come to me FIRST, instead of running to you men? Them: Well they told us in confidence, so we cannot reveal to you who said it. Me: Then they better d*** well get used to seeing my pickup there. I am doing NOHIN wrong. Them: Well then you really should park a block or two away so they don't see your pickup in front of the bar. Me: Oh so that then when they see my pickup in front of some house at that time you can try to lynch me for fornicating around! Doggone "elders" couldn't see the lunacy of their argument. Of course one of the three was the late night janitor who drove that way home from his swampers job.
Them: Well it might be a source of stumbling to whomever saw your pickup there that late.
And this is how it happens, the consciences of the spiritually weak ones end up ruling the congregation.
The tail wags the dog and the dog obediently obeys the tail.
Mostly the elders ignored me, which was good. The few times they questioned me were about silly things I laugh to think about now, but at the time, it was hurtful. I was counseled about my child eating in the Kingdom Hall, a friend gave her a little piece of hard candy, yup, chowing down in the hall. I was counseled about giving my daugter the key to my car and letting her start it. She was 10 years old. What happened is she was sitting in my car, 2 friends joined her, they were bumping up and down, small car, it moved a bit, which the brother thought meant they had started the car. I had the key, who would give a car key to a 10 year old?
Been interogated at couple of times, one in particular stands out, had, had knee operations both at the same time, was unable to walk, and they were "concerned" so 3 of them come over, and right off the bat one starts asking me killer questions, i.e. do you believe that Jehovah is using the witness, Do you believe they were picked out in 1919, do you believe that Jesus came in 1914. I can't remember the other one, prior to the asshole asking questions I had asked why they were there, if they were so concerned why did they have to come in suits and wearing a tie why couldn't they have just come wearing normal everday clothes, were they in fact counting time?
We got off on a tangent and then the asshole who had asked the 4 questions told me I hadn't answered him, I looked at him and said who are you that i am required to give an account of what I do or don't believe. Why don't you believe what you asked me and if you do where is your proof that what you ask is or isn't true, well that shut him up for a few minutes. Then he goes right back at it,
I answered the 1st question by stating if Jehovah can use an ass he can obviously use the society,
2nd. as far as being picked out in 1919 all I have for proof is their say so and actually that isn't any proof at all, you have to play games with numbers as Russell did mith measurements in the great pyramikd to come to that conclusion, but do I believe they believe it well yes I think they do.
3rd question I told him well the use of an ass should also cover that.
I can't remember the 4th one. I remember asking them about the Finished Mystery if that really was proper food at the proper time? Why is it okay now to have organ transplants but wasn't before, things like that then I asked them did God really give the society wrong information or did just some brothers up there make this up as a means of control.
Then I told the asshole to get the hell out of my house, he left the other two were stunned and said that is no way to treat a brother much less an elder. I told them you and he came here hunting for trouble, you didn't come here to see if I was okayat least he didn't I asked them about the history of the gospels when were they named as such, then I went into the history of the society. It quickly showed all they knew was very very little and almost nothing about the history. I offered to loan them a copy of the finished mystery so that they could see the info published at that time and can come to their own conclusions about who was or wasn't picked to do whatever.
Well they left on that note and I was thinking these assholes have plenty of info to df me but who knows. I don't know what they were concluding, but the following week was the CO's visit, he came with the book study conductor and my wife and I informed him how they acted when they said the were concerned about my meeting attendance and health. Well the CO bless him, got incensed over it asked who it was that came out so I told him. He was a CO I had first met way way back in Florida when my wife had started studying with the jdubs, he remembered us well as my wife made him her special dishes and he liked them evidently as he asked if she had made any recently, well she had do the the fact we knew he was coming so she loaded him and the BS conductor down with them, they left I never heard a word about the visit of the 3 asslickers.
Think About It
I answered the 1st question by stating if Jehovah can use an ass he can obviously use the society,
Awesome. If Jehovah can use a jackass he can use the Watchtower Society.
Yepper. Got my ass hauled before them for swearing (can't imagine why) . Yes I know Christians weren't supposed to swear but since one of the elders questioning me was married and boinking a young pioneer sister (who was also married), somehow I figured mine was the lesser transgression.
I also had several 'talks' to 'readjust my thinking' because I would ask alot of questions that apparently sounded like "apostate questions". Surprisingly, I never got the axe for apostasy even though they know I think it's a crock. In fact, I went to my aunt's 60th anniversary party (in another city) a couple of weeks ago and spent the afternoon with a bunch of Dubs I haven't seen in 25 years. Chatted with them but religion never came up.
Something tells me that the Kingdumb Hell has more doubters housed there than JWN.
few times. they could not find a reason to have judicial committee against me because I lied to them. but I was on Judicial Committee only one time because I confessed my sins to the elders, I just got reproofed.