WT August 15, 2013 QFR - Sitting next to a disfellowshipped child at meetings

by Designer Stubble 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wasblind

    When a person is disfellowshipped this is " suppose " to remove the bad influence from the congregation

    to safe gaurd the moral and spiritual cleanliness of the congregation, that is " No part of this world "

    Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to " Hate what Jehovah Hates "

    Quit " Touchin' the unclean thing "

    Jehovah must be one sad GOD. Especially if that disfellowshipped mate is good in bed

    This religion is a joke.


  • wasblind

    Little Caleb makes Jehovah sad and might get disfellowshipped if he plays wit a toy

    but mommy can play wit a bad boy all night long

  • sir82

    Seems like an admission that (a) there is an increasing number of D-F'ed minors in the org., and (b) their sitting next to their parents caused some holier-than-thou zealots to have apoplectic mouth-foaming fits, who then complained loudly, vigorously, and repeatedly to COs.

    Thank you for your magnanimousnousity, your lordships, for mercifully granting permission for parents to be in close physical proximity to thir own children!

    In the September 15 WT, the QFR will likely be "would it be appropriate to drive my disfellowshipped child to a hospital for an emergency appendectomy, or is it better to give him bus fare and point him in the right direction?"

  • nugget

    Truly despicable. Any religion that goes into this level of detail about whether you can sit with your children has lost the plot. How can a parent not see the cruelty in this. I feel for all those minor children, forced to get baptised at an early age who now are caught up in this hell.

  • Ding
    This article appears to have been written as some were "stumbled" by seeing DFed minors sitting with their parents.

    Some JWs seem to be "stumbled" by nearly everything.

    Many use it as a way of manipulating others: "Do what I want or you will be guilty of stumbling me."

  • nonjwspouse

    Ya know, when the organization places an increased stranglehold on associating with any DFed or DAed person, and people actually adhear to this , shunning their own children, even those living at home, maybe even minor children, then they see others appearing not to do so. I can see how they would become enraged. They "obeyed" when others seemed not to. It's SICK and breeds more sickness. The stronger the hold the more self rightous people will become. The lesss people are able to see what natural affection really is. They give over thier mental reasoning abilities and emotional ones, to the Borg.

    SO so sad. I predict a mass turnover. Lost of people leave, and lots of people coming in trying to "save" themselves with a promise of knowing all the answers. The promise of being a part of a "clean and pure" congregation. No personal emotional or thinking "work" or stress. It's all provided for them, whether they understand any of it or not, they just accept and then get a guarenteed the "family" at the KH.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Some JWs seem to be "stumbled" by nearly everything."

    Doesn't say a whole lot for the Watchtower's self-proclaimed "best Bible education on earth" does it?

    If a JWs faith can be shaken so easily and they can be "stumbled" at the slightest thing, or will abandon the religion if they do a little research or critical thinking, it really shows how utterly weak the religion is.

  • tiki

    i'm surprised they didn't plug something in about not having bodily contact - be sure you maintain a proper physical distance despite sitting beside eachother. the very fact that this ridiculousness is an issue worth devoting a page of rhetoric to is amazing in itself. is it me or are they just getting further and further removed from reality?

  • rocketman

    ADCM Shirly wrote "If a JWs faith can be shaken so easily and they can be "stumbled" at the slightest thing, or will abandon the religion if they do a little research or critical thinking, it really shows how utterly weak the religion is."

    Exactly. These people can't think for themselves. They don't know how to weigh their own "principles" and form them into a reasonable course of action or decision. They must be told everything.

    I can just picture Jehovah's Little Judges in congregations, making a fuss of some kid sitting with his parents.

    And this is yet another byproduct of an overly strict interpretation of scripture. The Pharisees had the same problem. Once you start regulating every behavior, questions arise, and the splitting of hairs (or the straining out of gnats) ensues.

  • skeeter1

    So, there must be alot of disfellowshipped teens in the Kingdom Halls being dragged back for meetings for the WTS to spill ink on the subject? All those children & tween baptisms are creating a problem.

    Or, parents are worried that a disfellowshipped teen/relative can't come back to the Kingdom Hall because he'd have to sit alone. That is a chiller to get the relative to return. So, if the WTS allows the relatives to sit together, then he comes back into the great big LOVE family. Of course, the disfellowshipped is goign to have to sit in the middle of the family or on an end chair, so as to buffer the pure Christians?

    Personally, I think this is a response by the Legal Department. The WTS has been hit with whether or not people, including minors, can give "informed consent" to refusing blood. Part of informed consent means that the JW is not coerced. A slice of the coercion piece includes that the person would be shunned at meetings, having to sit in back, etc. Now, the Legal Department can begin to argue that being disfellowshipped isn't that big of a deal and the WTS does not split up families. . . . why, they are allowed to even sit together at the Kingdumb Hall.


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