So, there must be alot of disfellowshipped teens in the Kingdom Halls being dragged back for meetings for the WTS to spill ink on the subject? All those children & tween baptisms are creating a problem.
Or, parents are worried that a disfellowshipped teen/relative can't come back to the Kingdom Hall because he'd have to sit alone. That is a chiller to get the relative to return. So, if the WTS allows the relatives to sit together, then he comes back into the great big LOVE family. Of course, the disfellowshipped is goign to have to sit in the middle of the family or on an end chair, so as to buffer the pure Christians?
Personally, I think this is a response by the Legal Department. The WTS has been hit with whether or not people, including minors, can give "informed consent" to refusing blood. Part of informed consent means that the JW is not coerced. A slice of the coercion piece includes that the person would be shunned at meetings, having to sit in back, etc. Now, the Legal Department can begin to argue that being disfellowshipped isn't that big of a deal and the WTS does not split up families. . . . why, they are allowed to even sit together at the Kingdumb Hall.