Remember this is an organization that says minor children will be eternally destroyed at armageddon because of their parents sins, along with those who died at the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no love; just judgment.
WT August 15, 2013 QFR - Sitting next to a disfellowshipped child at meetings
by Designer Stubble 70 Replies latest watchtower bible
Red Piller
I don't this this QFR is that bad. ... It's basically telling non-family to mind their own business.
However, it is a small testament to the type of environment the WT has created. One where intrusion into your family's affairs is perfectly normal. An environment of few boundaries that can stop the self-appointed police.
The term "disfellowshipped child" is a show-stopper for me. I don't care if the article tries to sound "balanced". The whole idea of shunning your own child is reprehensible. Do parents debate over dinner if "please pass the potatoes" is necessary family business?
I don't this this QFR is that bad. ... It's basically telling non-family to mind their own business.____Red Pillar
LOL , That's only after enough Non-family squealed . Everybody knows JW's are encouraged to tell on each other
if they think somethin' wrong has been done, and sittin' next to a disfellowshipped child didn't look right
so tongues started waggin'
Now the WTS is tellin' folks to shut the hell up and mind thier own business ? Who'd a thunk it
This religion would make a sane man jump off a damn cliff
This updates the Aprils Foolz Day edition 1953.
The most telling point here is why do they have to even talk about such issues.
That comment says it all!
These problems result when you baptize 9 year olds.
Straight up CHILD ABUSE!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Funny how they don't quote any scriptures. The verses in 1 Cor. clearly refer to "man" not a minor child. And 2 John is clearly cherry-picked and applied out of context toward a child.
"...As indicated on pages 19 and 20 of the November 15,1988, issue of The Watchtower..."
The Watchtower here is quoting its own literature. Basically, they are reienforcing what they have already been teaching before. That is a classic example of heavy handed indocritination.
Julia Orwell
And what age is considered minor? Here it's under 18. So if a 15 year old kid is dfd and shunned by his or her own family, that's seriously gonna have psychological consequences for life. These kids need their families and safety net, and an unrepentant 15 year old is no big deal because they grow out of it. Imagine fronting a kid alone with 3 elders? How could the poor little thing be that gross a sinner as not to 'repent'!
I'm a teacher and I front naughty teens a lot, and some put up a fight but mostly they get sheepish and realise they're out of line. Sure, they act up the next week, but you call their parents. If the parents can't get them into line, and most time a call home gets the kid settled for the rest of the term if not year, there are counselors and programs to intervene. But that's like kids committing crimes or chronic disruption or truanting over a long period, and the kid gets a lot of,support. What is a Jw 15 yo guilty of? Kissing girls? Smoking? And the parent doesn't intervene? It's straight to the elders for a showdown? Most kids are nice if a little unruly or misguided, but to inflict such torture on them when they need you most? Sickening. If I had a kid like that in my class I'd report those damn parents.