MY GOD PEOPLE!!! Are the JWS really soooooo brain dead that they have to resort to asking this question!!!!!! It does show how little every Jdubs know about the bible, it's principals, how to apply said principals, and how much they rely on what The GB will dictate to them and how much control the GB has. But in reality, I feel it is not a question from a reader, it is a question of "HOW much control can WE exert in the congregation?" Every JDUB will read this article and view it as "a blessing from god!" Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I WILL SURRENDER MY MIND NO MORE, FOREVER !!!!!!!)
WT August 15, 2013 QFR - Sitting next to a disfellowshipped child at meetings
by Designer Stubble 70 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hawk, you hit on something! Make the JWs believe that they are a weak, tempted group. After all, Satan is about every corner trying to weaken them. If people beleive they are incapable, then the WTS can swoop in as the strong provider of proper, Christian ideas. Including , where to seat your children at church.
By "behave properly", what they mean is the DF'd child had better not be smiling or look happy or like nothing is wrong. The preferred look should be like what you said about "having a downcast look".
I remember many years back when there was a young girl DF'd in my congregation, she was smiling and happy and seemed like she didn't care one bit. Her happy demeanor bothered some of the old ladies in the hall and they said some nasty things about her.
Are the JWS really soooooo brain dead that they have to resort to asking this question!!!!!!
The last time a "Questions from Readers" contained a real question from a real reader was well over 30 years ago.
"QFR" has morphed into a vehicle for the Society to publish its policy prcedures on things like how to treat DF relatives, in vitro fertilization, this month's allowable blood fractions, etc.
I suppose, technically, "Questions from Readers" is still a technically accurate title - the Service Department honcho who writes up the question and the answer probably reads the magazine every once in a while.
This is so depressing and maddening. I have to watch my JW wife shun her sister even though she sees her in passing regualrly.
In regards to this article, I struggle to see how this dosent scream PHARISEE! to more JWs! Maybe it does but they are afraid to say? When the DFing stance was relaxed in 1974, most appreciated this and eagerly reestablished contact with relatives. This proves that they are under the control of men and not the scriptures. You can tell what JWs arent obeying because these are the things they harp on most often. Dont go to college, dont make money, dont talk to DF family, dont look at porn seem to be the most common. It must drive them crazy to see dubs continue to do these things. It undermines their control. And they probably have nightmares about how they can say not to do something and the R+F do not listen!
This is another addendum onto their very own talmud. Rules about how to apply rules that clarify other rules about rules based on bible verses taken out of context to begin with!
BOTH: It does show how little every Jdubs know about the bible, it's principals, how to apply said principals, and how much they rely on what The GB will dictate to them and how much control the GB has.
As Ray Franz related in CoC, a simple question such as, 'should a JW help a disfellowshipped young mother carry her baby stroller, with the baby in it, up a long flight of dangerously steep stairs?', had to be asked of WT by the elders. Grown men had to ask permission to display not only practical, but more importantly, Christ-like kindness and love. These men are like most JWs- they can no longer think for themselves. WT has reduced the average JW to a spineless, unthinking drone who must ask WT advice on even the most pedestrian of everyday matters.
Next month's "Questions From Readers":
"After I have my morning bowel movement, should I use eight squares of toilet paper? Is 12 acceptable? If I need more than 12, is this a conscience matter or would I be grieving God's Holy Spirit?...."
How absurd does WT meddling have to become before any JW with an I.Q. higher than a salad bar says "enough is enough"?
IF it is not becoming a cause for STUMBLING to
the brothers.Now let me see....what was the title of that Watchtower article a couple weeks ago?
Was it something like For Those LOVING JEHOVAH There Is No Stumbling Block?
What a bunch of "loving" hypocrites!
How absurd does WT meddling have to become before any JW with an I.Q. higher than a salad bar says "enough is enough"?
Amen to that ADCMS!
Jehovah has made me SAD!! IF his followers are so easily stumbled by worrying who sits by who, who eats by who, who speaks to who, God has failed in his creations. I as a parent of children in their 40s would be so disappointed if my two grownup children had to ask me to make every decision for them I woukd know I had failed as a parent.
BU2B - "I struggle to see how this doesn't scream PHARISEE! to more JWs! Maybe it does but they are afraid to say?"
You just answered your own question.
A lot of the 1st Century Jews were afraid of the Pharisees, why would it be any different for present-day R&F JWs?
Hell, when I was in, I was way more scared of the prospect of being disfellowshipped than I ever was of pissing off God.